BabyZawa & Mamagiri

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Kurogiri POV: We've had Eraserhead tied up for about 5 hours now and Shigaraki decided he was being to stubborn to work with today. I decided to go to where he was tied up. I walk in and sit in a chair across from him. "Hello." I said softly as I looked at him, he seemed a bit out of it right now...for some reason I felt like I've met him before he was a hero. But that couldn't be right, the first time I'd ever seen him was when Tomura showed me a picture of him. Knowing I may regret this, I untied him and picked him up. He flinched as I did so but then grabbed onto me like he's a koala. I looked down at him and tried to run my glove fingers through his hair but it was completely tangled. I opened a portal I my room and set him on my bed, I grabbed a brush I got for Toga but never used because she got a new one herself. I walked over to the hero who clung to me the second I sat back down on my bed. I pulled him to my lap and carefully started brushing out his long black hair. When I'd get to the bigger knots he'd whimper and hug me tighter. After a moment...I realized him and Shigaraki are very much the same way, Tomura is a little who hayes having his hair brushed when it gets tangled too much. He always cries and tries to run when I grab the brush, but it always ends with him on my lap as I'm running the brush through his hair because now it doesn't hurt. "Hey... Eraserhead?" He whined again but looked up at me. "How old are you?" He thought for a second...I was definitely sure he was a little bit it was confirmed when he held up two fingers. I nodded and continued to brush it. Eventually I finished brushing it and I was just running my hands through it. "Such a good little boy." I tell him as I hand a cat stuffie to him. Another thing he has in common with Tomura, they LOVE cats. "Hey Shota, do you have a mommy who I can give you back to? Or anyone who knows of the sweet little boy I met today?" He looked up at me. He nodded and teared up. "Wan daddy" I hugged him closer and asked, "what's his name?" "Mikey..." "Is he a pro hero?" Shota nodded. I opened a portal to President Mic and hand him Shota with no explanation. I turn around and leave.


Thank God there no cameras in the room
we had him tied
up in

League of Villains Age regression one shots Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora