No bad words!

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Kurogiri POV: I was watching Toga since she was in little space and shouldn't be unsupervised but as fait would have it. "Oi hell no! Fuck you!" Toga looked at me confused and said, "what fu-" "Toga no!" "Why?" "Because it's a bad word!" "Ooooh...." "Dabi you in twouble!" I couldn't help but laugh at her nonsense. "What oou mean I'm in trouble shorty?" "You say bad word!" "I say em all the time though." "Giri he in big twouble!" "Yep he sure is." I said trying not to laugh my head off. "Dabi how dare you! Go to your room!"

Toga POV: I was very happy because I got rid of a trouble maker! I then went to Big Sis. "Sissy!" "Oh hello lil vampire!" "I wan uppies!" "What do you say?" "Pease uppies?" "Yes I can pick you up." "Thank yous! She held me for 1 whole second then started walking around still holding me! "Sissy so strong I lov you!" "Aww thank you dear and I love you too!" "Sissy we pease get moo juice?" "Yep!" We went and got my sippy cup then she game me moo moo juice! "Thank!" I said sipping on my cup. "Milkies good!" "That's good dear, milk is very good for you!" "Oh... Weally?" "Yeah almost veggies healthy." "Eww yucky!" "But milk isn't veggies! Plus I put sugar and vanilla in yours" "buh jus lil bits right?" "Mhm" "kay!" "Oooh can you play wit my hair?" "Of course I can!" Sh picked me up again and carried me to the couch and did my hair. She gave me 2 ponytails! "Awww you look so cute baby!" "Cause sissy awesome!" "No you're awesome!" "We bof are!" "Heck yeah!"

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