Chapter 20: Unbreakable Love

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Hey there, it's Kartik! I couldn't help but feel the emptiness in my life without Chole by my side. Every day seemed to drag on without her, and I found myself longing for her presence. I missed her infectious laughter, her caring words, and the way she made me feel alive. Unable to resist any longer, I decided to text her.

Expressing my feelings was not an easy task, but I knew I had to let her know how much she meant to me. The bond we had formed over the past year and a half was filled with countless memories, both happy and challenging. It was a connection that had become an integral part of my life.

As the days went by, I found myself constantly thinking about Chole. The love we shared was undeniable, and I couldn't imagine my life without her. Despite the difficulties we had faced in the past, I decided to give our relationship another chance.

Although things hadn't changed significantly, our bond grew even stronger. We understood each other on a deeper level, embracing the uncertainties that came with our connection. We laughed together, supported each other, and cherished every moment we spent together, whether online or through our conversations.

Soon, Chole's birthday approached after several months, and I had been preparing a special gift for her. It was something that required a lot of thought, time, and effort. I wanted to make her feel special and show her how much she meant to me. However, my excitement got the best of me, and I couldn't wait until her birthday.

So, on New Year's Eve, as the clock struck midnight, I presented my carefully crafted gift to Chole. It was a symbol of my love and devotion to her. The anticipation built up as she unwrapped it, and I eagerly awaited her reaction.

And her reaction was way toooooooo.....

To find out what the gift was and witness Chole's delighted response, you'll have to join me in the next chapter. Are you excited? I sure am. Our love continued to grow stronger, and the journey we embarked on together was nothing short of extraordinary. Stay tuned for the next chapter to uncover the surprise!

Chapter 21: A Gift of Love
Coming soon...

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