chapter 10 ( bonus )

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Note :- it's just a copy of chapter 10 if you still like my cringeful way of explaining story ,you can try this .

Damn, I could sense Chole's annoyance radiating through her text. She hit me with a message that screamed, "Hey, I'm fuming right now. Gonna take a quick shower and then I'll hit you up."

"No problem," I replied, keeping my cool. "Take your time. I'll be right here, waiting for you."

After a few minutes, her response finally arrived, and boy, was she fired up. Chole launched into a passionate rant about her disastrous volleyball match. Her teammates had let her down big time, not even giving her a chance to shine on the court. They had the audacity to claim she wasn't good enough. Talk about a major blow to her ego.

Trying to be the supportive guy, I initially sided with Chole. "Hey, it's not your fault, Chole. They screwed up, not you. Don't let it get to you."

But damn, she just couldn't let it go. She kept harping on about her teammates' shortcomings, as if she had a Ph.D. in volleyball tactics . I had to try a different approach.

"Look, Chole, I totally get your frustration, but remember, nobody's perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes it's not all about winning. It's about enjoying the game. Cut them some slack and find your inner zen."

Well, that didn't sit well with her. Chole's irritation was palpable, evident in her replies. She vehemently disagreed with me, stubbornly clinging to her desire for victory and continuing to trash-talk her teammates.

"They could have won, Kartik! It's all on them. They didn't even let me play, and now we're stuck with a big fat L. Ugh, it's so infuriating!"

Seeing that reason was getting us nowhere, I decided to back off a bit. Maybe giving her some space was the best move.

"Alright, Chole, I hear you. Maybe it's time to take a breather and chill out. Get some rest. We can talk later when you're feeling less wound up."

And just like that, our conversation hit a dead end. I couldn't help but ponder the complexities of our connection. But hey, the night was still young, and who knows what tomorrow would bring. We were on this virtual rollercoaster together, and I had a feeling things were about to get even more wild and unpredictable.


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