Chapter 9: Volleyball Debates

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Yooooo, I'm back with a new chapter so let's move forward as I won't waste much time today. Damnn that gurl

Sooo I watched my phone screen light up as Chole's name appeared, signaling her return from the world beyond. Eagerly, I swiped to unlock and began reading her latest message. She wasted no time diving into the details of her day, sharing every volleyball-related adventure she had encountered.

Chole: "Hey there, Kartik! Guess what? I finally joined a volleyball team! It was really great !"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm, knowing how much she adored the sport as volleyball is her favorite . But a mischievous thought crept into my mind - what if she explored other games too? I wanted her to broaden her horizons and experience the joy of different sports.

Kartik: "That's noice, Chole! Volleyball suits you perfectly, but have you ever thought about trying other games too? There's a whole world of sports out there waiting for you!"

Chole: "Nah, Kartik, volleyball is my one true love. I don't have time for anything else. Plus, I wouldn't even know how to play other games."

Kartik: "Come on, Chole, don't say that! Trying new games can be exciting. You never know, you might discover a hidden talent!"

Chole: "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but really, I can't play any other game. I've never tried, and I don't think I'd be any good at them."

Kartik: "But Chole, you're so cute! I believe in you. Give it a shot, and who knows, you might surprise yourself!"

Chole's mood seemed to swing like a pendulum, her annoyance peeking through her text.

Chole: "Kartik, I've told you many times ne, I can't play other games!
It's just not my thing.Let's nevermind, okay?"

Kartik: "ohkay, ohkay , now don't get mad at me  If you're not up for it, I won't push anymore but I'll convince you next time 😉 . But remember, a little adventure never hurt anyone!"

Chole: "Thanks , kartik.  You know I appreciate your support. Let's just move on from this topic and talk about something else, like that cute kiddo I saw today! Lemme send you! "

With a sigh and a smile, I acquiesced to Chole's request, letting the game debate come to a close. We shifted gears, diving into the realm of internet humor, where laughter and shared jokes reigned supreme.

In the friendship, there are bound to be differing opinions and playful arguments. Sometimes, we push each other to explore new territories, while other times, we learn to respect each other's boundaries. It's all part of the journey, a dance of give and take that keeps our bond strong.


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