Chapter 13: The Return of devil

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Hey there, it's Kartik, and I'm back with another chapter that's bound to leave you in stitches! Hold on tight, because this one's gonna be a wild ride!

As I was going about my day, my phone buzzed with a notification that instantly caught my attention. It was a message from none other than Berry, my partner in crime and the queen of mischief. I couldn't help but crack a smile as I read her name on the screen. It had been ages since we last spoke, and I was excited to see what she had been up to.

"Hey you sneaky devil😚, long time no see😏!" her message read, accompanied by a mischievous emoji.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I quickly replied, "Well, well, well, if it isn't Berry, that little dumb Princess! What's the latest scoop?"

And just like that, we were off to the races, diving headfirst into a whirlwind of conversation that instantly transported me back to the good ol' days. Berry's infectious energy and witty comebacks had me laughing uncontrollably.

We caught up on all the crazy escapades we had embarked on since we last crossed paths. Each story brought back memories of our wild adventures and had us both in fits of laughter. It was as if no time had passed at all, and our connection was as strong as ever.

But here's the kicker—I soon realized that Berry and I were two peas in a pod, sharing an uncanny number of similarities. It was as if we were cut from the same cloth, with matching craziness, a shared love for silly jokes, and even similar quirks. We finished each other's sentences and had an intuitive understanding of one another. It was both bizarre and exhilarating.

Berry's flirty and playful nature shone through our conversations, adding a touch of mischief to our banter. She had a knack for dropping double entendres and leaving me both bewildered and entertained. It was a unique dynamic that kept me on my toes and had me eagerly awaiting her next witty remark. On the other hand chole was shy and seems to be hiding that side of her .

As we continued our back-and-forth, I couldn't help but wonder how our newfound connection would intertwine with Chole's presence in my life. They were both incredible in their own ways, yet so different. Would their paths cross, or would their stories remain separate?

As we said our goodbyes for the night, promising to continue our banter soon, I felt a surge of anticipation. Berry's return had injected a renewed sense of excitement into my life, and I knew that the next chapter of our friendship held limitless possibilities.

So buckle up, my friends, because the next installment promises even more laughter, surprises, and misadventures as Berry and I navigate the unpredictable world of our rekindled connection. Who knows what awaits us? What would chole's reaction be after meeting berry ? One thing's for certain—it's going to be legendary.


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