Chapter 9

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The whole night, (Y/n) couldn't help but think of one thing

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The whole night, (Y/n) couldn't help but think of one thing...
Could you survive the night in the Maze?
Her initial answer was no, but that was only because nobody else survived the night before. There has to be a way, what if you run faster than the Grievers? Can you hide from them? Can they see you if you're at the top of the vines?

"This is stupid..." Muttered the (H/c) as she ran a hand through her hair, she slowly trudged towards the Door of the Maze

Staring up (Y/n) frowned as she felt shivers run down her spine when the rumbling of the stone echoed through her ears and throughout the Glade, the Door slowly creaked open, air hit her face like every other morning, and like every morning the smell that hit her face was disgusting and smelled like rotten and expired flesh

Letting out a sigh the female continued walking into the Maze and through the Door, (Y/n) kneeled down just past the entrance

"Morning (Y/n)!" A male's voice was heard behind her, of course, it was a guy's voice...

"Hm?" Looking over her shoulder while kneeling down she raised her eyebrow "Oh, Morning Hank" She smiled softly to the Runner while picking up the collar that she remembered sitting around Ben's neck

"What are you doing — Oh..." Hank ran up to her only for him to look over her shoulder at the object she was holding "Let me just..." He muttered as he quickly took it from her before patting the (H/c)'s shoulder

"Hey, I can put it away myself" (Y/n) defended as she turned around to glare at the Runner

"I know you can do this yourself" He smiled down at her as he started walking back toward the Glade with the female walking beside him "But I prefer you wouldn't overthink if you could've done something for Benny's sake"

(Y/n) opened her mouth to say something but then she closed it with a small nod "Thank you, That's very thoughtful of you..." She mumbled

"Just looking out for our Commander" Hank chuckled as he nudged her shoulder before walking towards the Gardening shack and away from the (H/c) who gave him a small smile

"Good morning to you too" Minho's teasing voice made (Y/n) turn to him

"We both know it's never a good morning here" Alby rolled his eyes as the two walked up to the female

"You two don't have to be sarcastic all the time" (Y/n) said with crossed arms as she looked between them "Be careful you two, wouldn't want that Griever to be faking it" She joked with a roll of her eyes

"A Greiver cannot be a drama queen, that role is reserved for me," Minho said proudly with crossed arms and chin up

"Yeah, yeah" (Y/n) waved him off "The two of you are valuable to us if we want a chance to escape the Maze" She whispered as she looked between them

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