Chapter 10

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Silence filled the air as (E/c) eyes stared at the shut Doors, Nobody moved

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Silence filled the air as (E/c) eyes stared at the shut Doors, Nobody moved... Nobody.
Alby is gone, Minho is gone... The both of them are gone

"(Y/n)..." Newt whispered as he turned around to see the female sitting on the grassy ground between the Gladers 

"Come on now" Zart spoke softly as he placed his hands under (Y/n)'s armpits and picked her up with ease 

'They're gone...'  (Y/n)'s dull eyes stared into the distance as her lips were parted open, They were dry and she had the urge to lick them but she couldn't move as she stood there like a ghost 

"Love..." Newt whispered as he tilted his head to get a better look at the (H/c)'s expression "We'll get through it"

'I don't want to get through it'  Was what (Y/n) would've said if she even could speak, Her eyes started watering as she blinked a few times 'I don't want to survive, I want to live... Is that too much to ask' 

"(Y/n)?" Chuck whispered as he looked up at the (H/c) who quickly blinked away her tears and looked down at the kid "You... You alright?" 

"..." (Y/n) opened her mouth, She spoke, But no words came out as she looked down at the kid 

"Well, would you look at that" (Y/n) grinned from ear to ear as she looked down inside the Box "Give me a sec" She laughed as she climbed into the box 

"Be careful there" Alby warned "He looks tough"

"He's not a wild animal" The female laughed as she stood in front of the new Greenie, He was tall, Had strong arms, And short black hair that seemed to be taken care of quite well "Hello" (Y/n) smiled

"Hey..." The guy's voice was low, A bit rough as he looked down at her with wide eyes "Where am I?" He looked around 

"I'd like to call to call it the Glade but that guy-" (Y/n) turned around and pointed at Alby who was biting back a smile "-Thinks the name is weird" 

"You're giving him a bad impression of me" Alby laughed before he looked over his shoulder and stood up "There you are Newt, What took you so long?"

"Sorry mate, I was checking the food that somebody burned" He gave Alby a knowing look before looking down into the box where he saw (Y/n) and Minho "Well there's the new addition" 

"I'm fine, Chuck" (Y/n) smiled softly as she ruffled the boy's hair 

"You sure...? They'll come back, I know they will" Chuck smiled up at her determinedly 

"They'll come back, They'll come back, T-They'll come back..." (Y/n) chanted that word over and over again as she gripped her head while sitting on the grassy ground in the middle of the Glade "They're not dead, They're not"

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