Chapter 1

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The cold metal against her body froze her in fear as she felt heavier than she should have while sprawling on the bottom of the metallic box

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The cold metal against her body froze her in fear as she felt heavier than she should have while sprawling on the bottom of the metallic box.

Groaning, She closed her eyes shut from the bright white light that burned her eyes. The air seemed to be pulled out of her lungs as the box came to a harsh stop making the female sit up and gasp for air like it was her last moments 

She didn't know what time of the day it was, She didn't know how long she's been in this... Box — She didn't know anything as her eyes darted around the metallic cage, Her breathing was quick and uneven as her fingertips trembled while she lifted her palm to look at it

Her skin tone was (S/c), At least she knew that... She didn't know anything else, Not her age, Not her name, Not her likes or dislikes. Her breathing got quicker and quicker as tears were about to pour out of her eyes when suddenly the box came to yet another harsh stop and she crashed into one of the walls

"Damn it" Cursed the girl as she sat on her knees with one hand holding her aching stomach, Feeling like she'll throw up at any moment, Her other hand rested on a barrel beside her that spelled "W.I.C.K.E.D...?"

Then, Warm air flowed into the box as it opened up making the sun's rays shine straight into her eyes as she shielded them

"Well, Would you look at that," A loud voice said as more light shone in the box from it opening up, It was almost painful to look up "Hm... You're not a guy" The voice noted as (Y/n) slowly adjusted to the lighting and the figure which appeared above her "You're... A girl"

"A girl?"

"Are you sure? Maybe he just looks feminine"

The box jerked as somebody jumped in it. Leaning back between one of the walls and a barrel, the girl looked up at the guy in front of her who was offering her his open palm

"Morning 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘺, Welcome to the Glade" The figure which now blocked the light from the girl turned out to be a guy, Seventeen years old — Not older, He was tall with broad shoulders "You're quiet" He laughed as he still offered his open palm to her

"Thanks..." She hesitantly grasped his palm and stood up, Her vision got blurry and her head felt like it'd split in two from how quickly she did it "I think I'm going... I'm going to throw up" She mumbled while clinging to her head which pulsed in pain

"You wouldn't be the first one!" Another guy laughed as he looked down inside the box "Bring her up, 𝘎𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦"

"Watch who you're ordering around, Nick" George laughed as he climbed out of the box "Come on, Girly," He said as he helped her out as well

'Where am I?'   Was the first thing the female thought as she looked around herself but the only thing she saw were... Walls, Four tall walls that wouldn't even budge by the strongest of winds

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