Chapter 11

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The rumbling of stone made (Y/n) bite her bottom lip anxiously as she looked up at the small crack that grew larger and larger until the Door fully opened with the boom, the only thing different was that today she didn't mind the rotten smell that...

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The rumbling of stone made (Y/n) bite her bottom lip anxiously as she looked up at the small crack that grew larger and larger until the Door fully opened with the boom, the only thing different was that today she didn't mind the rotten smell that hit her face 

"I told you (Y/n), they're not coming back," Newt said softly as he placed his hand on her shoulder 

"Maybe they're... On their way?" Chuck tried to guess as he looked up at the two with Zart standing beside him 

"Let it go, we all knew they wouldn't survive," Jeff said as he patted the kid's back "Come on, no point in standing around waiting for dead men" He mumbled 

"He's right," Frypan said as he shook his head "I hate to admit but this is the end of the road for Alby and Minho," He said as he glanced at (Y/n) whose dull eyes looked into the Maze

"There's nothing we could've done" Winston agreed "So let's just continue doing our best"

"You're awful at making inspiring speeches" Frypan mumbled as he side-glanced at the Keeper of the Slicer who gave him an offended look 

"I'm going in..." (Y/n) whispered

"No, you're not, we all know they're dead" Newt stated as his grip tightened on the female's shoulder "There's no point" He whispered softly

"There's a point in everything," She said and looked up at him "A quick check, and I didn't ask for permission to enter the Maze — I don't need one." She said and walked past the blond

"(Y/n), you're acting on your emotions here," Gally said as he grabbed her shoulder "Let's wait a bit, maybe the Greivers are still out"

"Then I will be stung, so what? We have the Serum for that" She said and shook his hand off of her shoulder "Now calm down you big babies, I won't leave your sight" 

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and walked through the Doors, it took her whole ten seconds just to pass the Doors which were as thick as an iceberg or a good book, she calmly strolled in between two tall walls that acted as the entrance to the Maze before she came into a splitting point between the right and left

'I guess they are gone'  She thought with a frown while she looked to her left

"There! You had your little look now come back!" Newt shouted as he limped toward the Doors

"Yeah, Come back" Gally shouted as he stood in the entrance, as if he was planted there "Can you hear us? (Y/n)?— Look out!" 

"Hm?" Turning toward the entrance (Y/n) just raised her eyebrow with a frown "Ah!—"

Out of nowhere, a body slammed into (Y/n) before she was picked up and spun around like a child 

"M—" (Y/n)'s eyes widened before her frown turned upside down as she embraced the guy in front of her "Minho!" She cried and wrapped her arms around his neck while he continued spinning her around 

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