Chapter 26

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It happened at once, All (Y/n) did was blink and the image of Gally pointing the gun at them disappeared

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It happened at once, All (Y/n) did was blink and the image of Gally pointing the gun at them disappeared... Now Gally was slowly falling back, A spear through his chest that stuck out like a wolf in a pen of sheep 

"Gally!" (Y/n) screamed

The Builder was gasping for air, He gasped cautiously as if he had taken too much air in he'd die right there on the spot

"GALLY!" (Y/n) cried out, Seemingly the only one who woke up from the trance as she ran forward to catch him "No, No, No... Gally?" 

His name was the only thing she thought about saying, Her arms wrapped around his body which was too heavy for her as she lowered him onto the ground. Tears threatened to spill from both of her eyes as she looked down at him with a pained expression 

"Gally?" (Y/n) raised her eyebrow as she looked up at the Builder with teary eyes

"Hey — Wow, What happened?" His eyes widened as he looked down at her after she opened the door to her hut "Which shuck face did this to you?" He demanded while his hands reached to her cheeks and caressed them gently 

"Nobody did anything..." She mumbled while looking at the ground but when Gally gently guided her face to look up at him she couldn't hold back the tears as her bottom lip trembled "G-Gally... I... I..." 

"Shh, It's okay... Shuck, I'm not good at these things" He cursed under his breath as he continued holding her face gently while tears ran down her cheeks like waterfalls "Let's go inside" He let out an exhausted sigh 

"I-I'm sorry..." The (H/c) whispered as she tried to wipe away the tears that just kept on coming while he gently pushed her back before closing the door behind himself 

"Just tell me what's wrong" He muttered as he set her on the bed and kneeled down in front of her, His big rough hand gently resting on her knee in a comforting manner "You never cry... What happened?"

"I... I..." Letting out a shaky breath (Y/n) wanted to calm down, Wanted to stop the tears from coming as she looked down at his soft green eyes which would normally glare at anything and everything "I had a nightmare"

"That's all?" Gally whispered, He wanted to scoff and say something along the lines that 'It was nothing' but when he looked at her glossy (E/c) eyes that seemed to be holding back even more tears he closed his mouth and let out another sigh "What was it about"

"George... I killed him but..." (Y/n)'s breathing was uneven as her whole body trembled just at the memory of the guy "But he came back... Alive and..." A quiet sniffle from her made Gally's hand squeeze her knee "And..."

The Maze of Racing Hearts (The Maze Runner Trilogy x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora