August 1975

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It was a name unusual enough to be remembered and while Petunia turned in her uncomfortable seat to take a look at the man she did her best to determine where the ping of recognition came from.

Albus Something Something Brian Dumbledore was quite tall and slender, his stature further elongated by the waterfall of silver hair and beard almost trailing across the ground. His robes were a vibrant purple, as if to draw attention to the more muted shade the other wizards were wearing, decorated not with a silver W but a whole constellation of stars and galaxies stitched onto the fabric with glittering thread. His face was dominated by a crooked nose and gleaming half-moon spectacles, complimenting deep eyes and a kind smile.

The murmur that went through the gathered witches and wizards was just as attention catching as the man himself, some of them even gawping. Mr Doge was the first to say anything, though his face had turned blotchy and his voice was flustered. "Ah, yes - Albus, you - what are you doing here?"

"Elphias, how good to see you. I hope my visit this time is just as welcome as the ones you know to expect."

"I - yes, of course, Albus, you know that you are always - why, but what did you need? Just, I'm currently in the middle of, you know ..."

Dumbledore strode further into the room and Petunia saw the young man to Mr Doge's right give a nod towards him when Dumbledore spoke again: "Ah, Mr Marchbanks, how glad I am to see that you have settled in so well. You truly earned Prof McGonagall's recommendation."

The fluttery feeling of recognition latched onto the sentence and Petunia finally recalled where she knew that name from - Please Mister Dumbledore let me attend your magic school and learn how to become a real witch.

From one heartbeat to the next shame washed through her, accompanied by a nameless resentment that she had carried along for years, sewage soaking her already strained nerves. She could almost feel them unravelling, as if they were a physical presence inside her head that pulled and ripped.

What was Lily's headmaster doing here? No, rather, what was the most honourable Headmaster of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry doing here, at her, Petunia Evans, trial? They had no connection, nothing that should bring him here except that letter of refusal, sent years ago.

Was he here to regall them with a tale of Petunia begging to be one of them? Was he here to humiliate her? And if so, why? She couldn't recall doing anything that would deserve that level of cruelty from a man with so many better things to do.

Before her thoughts could spiral further, Mr Doge once again made a stammering attempt to reclaim Dumbledore's attention. "Albus, I - and Jeremy as well - am truly glad to see you, but maybe we can catch up later, after I finish this up, it shouldn't take long ... that is of course, if you don't mind waiting?"

"What a disservice I would be doing myself and Ms Evans if I simply waited. No, Elphias, I am in earnest when I say I am here to serve as a witness for this young lady. After all, there is quite a misunderstanding to clear up."

"A mis-" Mr Doge blinked and quickly riffled through a few papers. "No, but - You see, it is very straightforward, breach of the Decree for Reasonable Regulation for Dangerous Creatures with a charge of Illegal Possession of Dangerous Creatures plus a breach of Clause 73 of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, quite simple really, seeing as the beast was apprehended and we have a witness statement -"

"A witness with a personal history of animosity towards Ms Evans, you mean," Dumbledore countered calmly. "And concerning the Thestral you have found, I would be very grateful if he was returned where he belongs - the Hogwarts herd."

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