December, 1971

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Petunia suspected that she might have fed Aspen a bit too much

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Petunia suspected that she might have fed Aspen a bit too much. He usually wolfed down everything she gave him, and Butcher Emery was quite generous with his leftovers - Petunia sometimes wondered what the taciturn man thought she was doing with all that meat. Raising an army of stray cats?

No matter how much she fed him, Aspen remained skeletal thin but he looked ... taller.

Petunia stood next to him, measuring his height with her hand against her chest. When she first saw him his head had only reached her waist, but now ...

"How did you grow that much?"

Aspen nosed her bag, looking for his usual treats.

"Shouldn't you become fat and not tall? Why can I still count all your ribs?"

Aspen huffed at her reproachful tone.

"Do you exercise too much?" Taking daily walks with Aspen had made Petunia realise how much energy he had. If she didn't turn around after a few hours he would probably continue running around the whole day.

Impatient for food, Aspen clasped her bag between his teeth and tugged on it.

"Don't tear it!" Petunia used her scolding voice and Aspen quickly let go of the fabric.

Petunia waited for him to give her some space before opening her bag and taking a piece of raw meat out. While at the beginning touching cold, raw meat had made her shiver in revulsion, she had become quite accustomed to it now.

"Wait," she ordered, before throwing the meat on the floor. A muscle shivered on Aspen's flank but he obediently waited, his pupil-less, white eyes focused completely on her. Petunia gave it another second before waving her hand, and the meat disappeared almost too quickly to see.

"Glutton," she reprimanded, but pulled another piece of meat from her bag.

A small suspicion had begun festering in her mind. She could only think of one reason why Aspen would be getting taller and not fatter - that he was actually not fully-grown yet.

Which meant that he wasn't too old or injured to fly, but too young.

Looking at the greedy little monster, Petunia felt slightly unprepared. For now he was small enough that she could take care of him in the shed, but who knew how big he would get?

Hey Petals,

Full-grown Thestrals are bigger than regular horses, so what you're taking care of is definitely a foal. It also explains why he's not flying, maybe he hasn't learned how to do it yet.

The only thing that makes me wonder is why he was left behind by his mother and herd.

Should I call you Mama Petals now?

Best, Gene

Bigger than regular horses ... that didn't bode well. Aspen was definitely a lot smaller than any horse she could think of at the moment. More goat-sized. How would she take care of somthing horse-sized or bigger? He would certainly not fit in their old garden shed.

Petunia and the Little MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now