12 - Bored Let's Explore

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> Fundy & Tommy

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.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Fundy was bored and Kit was too, after Tommy went to train in the woods, so they stayed in this City. Of course, Fundy was a 14-year-old kid with a Pokémon, so he was technically, in this world, allowed to be independent, so he was walking around town.

It was cool. The place was big, nothing like L'manburg but to be fair, it's a place on water so not really a good comparison.

Fundy opened one door and saw… a classroom. Normally, he would walk out, but he's in a world that he knows nothing about, so he just awkwardly stood in place and the teacher noticed him “Oh Hello, who are you?”

“Oh my name is Fundy and I want to learn a little bit about Pokémon,” Fundy said, “Well I'll be your teacher. My name is Roxanne. I am a gym leader in my home region, Hoenn, but please tell me about yourself and your current knowledge of Pokémon”.

“Well I'm with my Uncle, my Dad… Deceased and I'm from the Dream SMP and I just found out they existed” it seemed like that was a weird answer as Roxanne wrote that down “Really, so you just discovered they existed fascinating and here scientists and professors have concluded they're everywhere in the world anyway sit down right here I'll start basic”.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Fundy left the school fully refreshed as the class was something he did want to learn about this world, and it did help as Kit left her ball and sat on his head

“Okay, since you're a fire type kit that means you and ground, water, and rock types don't agree hmm” Fundy saw a giant place that looked like an apartment complex sure he slept at the “Pokémon Center” they had comfy beds and good food (well compared to L'manburg it really isn't a good comparison)

He went inside and saw everything was unlocked, so he went to the first door and saw a Brown Fox like Pokémon “Hey Kid a little help I turned myself into a Pokémon and I can't reach this button. Can you please press it for me?” The Pokémon even begged with his paws “Sure, here” Fundy went to press the button “Wait! Let me go here real quick” The Pokémon stepped into a tube “Now”.

Fundy pressed the button and the tube shut down and flashed and A Man Came Out! “Thanks for that, this happened to me last that and a kid with a red hat helped me anyway. My name is Bill. I'm a Pokémon Researcher and I made the Pokémon Storage Box”.

Fundy was still in shocked from what happened, so he just slowly nodded “Anyway, thanks for helping, so here a present for you to me, it was a Pokémon that I was stuck like an Eevee”

[Fundy gained an Eevee♂️]

[Would you like to name it?]

Fundy thought about it and he named him

[Burg was added to your party]

The last name of L'manburg as a memory as the man looked at him, “By the way, what's your name kid and how old are you? You look old enough to be alone and start the Gym Challenges, but also you don't really know much about Pokémon”.

Shoot Baskets Fundy though “Oh I'm from this place called L'manburg and there was no Pokémon there really even outside of it, so I have no clue about anything, and I'm 14”

Bill took that answer well and gave Fundy and book and a Red Device

[Fundy acquired a Pokémon Species Book]

[Fundy acquired a Pokédex]

[These items went into your bag]

“Thank you, Mister” Fundy said, grateful. “It's okay you're technically a new trainer, and it's our job to give new trainers a starter” Bill said, throwing 3 Poke Balls

“These are Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur from my region. consider this as an extra thank for helping me, but you can only choose one”.

Pressure Fundy though, but he went to Bulbasaur seeing as they looked the most nervous, “Oh man you chose that little guy that fantastic. Most new trainers want a Charmander or Squirtle”.

[Would you like to name Bulbasaur ♂️?]

[Lettuce was added to your party]

“Oh wait, I should go, my Uncle might be wondering where I am, bye Bill!” And Fundy ran while Bill stared at his machine, “Seriously thought how do I always get trapped in a machine and some 12-year-old kid helps me?”

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

That was a big detour, but it was worth it Fundy though as he saw Tommy at the Pokémon Center looking worried until he saw him “Fundy where were you I was completely worried”

Fundy stopped, he was worried? That thought never crossed his mind. Honestly, he thought Tommy didn't care about him. “Sorry I just wanted to explore, I won't do it again besides look” Fundy threw out Lettuce and Burg out of their balls.

“Some man gave me these guys for helping him” “Oh it's an Eevee” Fundy paused, “Eevee?” “Yeah, Soteria was like this before he evolved to Umbreon, but I think Soteria wanted to be an Umbreon. According to the Pokédex Eevee can evolve into multiple Pokémon, so Fundy that's something to look forward to”.

Fundy looked at Burg who was sleeping, “That's Cool anyway, how was training?” Tommy smiled and threw out his Team.

[Ares♂️ LV 23

Soteria♂️ LV 21

Mars ♂️ LV 19

Crowza♂️ LV 20

Henry♀️ LV 18]

“Oh that's a new Girl” Fundy said as he pet her and got pierced with a needle


Fundy fainted “Shoot sorry Funds, but that Pokémon is a Nidorina, so it's poisonous, so it's the best pet with caution”

Fundy just did a thumbs up and passed out “Yeah I think that means we've been out too much. Let's go to the Center and ask the Nurse if she can treat you” Tommy picked up Fundy “Wow your light guess that also means time to eat”.

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