Chapter 7 - Slowpoke Well

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A/N: Sorry this took so long I had writers block and school was just killing me


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>Trainer Tommyinnit


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As Tommy left the cave he saw the clear path to Azalea Town, but there were some people in black clothing with a big red R blocking some paths, making Tommy confused

As Tommy went to the man near the well to see what is wrong he pushed him away "Back of Twerp Team Rocket's business only" The Grunt said, making Tommy scared of what happened as he found the Team who stole the kid's Pokémon from the Pokémon Center

So, Tommy quickly left to the town hopefully to avoid any violence

As Tommy walked through the Town he saw and the Rocket Grunts just blocking pathways houses exits heck even the Gym

As Tommy got tired of walking, he sat at a bench near some house and Ares quickly went to his lap to sleep from just trying to hide from Team Rocket

As they both were relaxing an Old Man sat next to him watching Tommy as if he were studying him Tommy quickly grew nervous, so he asked "Hey mate what's going on" Tommy said trying to start a nice conversation with the Man "Name's Kurt kid by the looks of it you're a Trainer so can I ask you for some help" The man named Kurt asked

"What do you need" Tommy said nervously "Team Rocket are basically kidnapping all the slowpokes hear in this Town and keeping them hostage, so I need your help to go to the well and freeing them" Kurt said looking at Tommy with anger and motivation

Tommy thought about it and decided "Sure lead the way" Tommy said as he grabbed Ares from the bench

Kurt smiled and led Tommy to the well only for Tommy to see the same Grunt guy who shoved him away from earlier was there blocking their way

"Get out of here you two, this is Team Rocket business unless you two want to get hurt" The Grunt said pulling out a PokeBall 

"Bah we don't have time for this" Kurt said as he quickly ran past Grunt, causing him to hit the well and pass out? Weak Tommy thought.

Tommy follow Kurt to the well to see it was a more brightly lit up cave than the one he had to go through before he grabbed Ares PokeBall thinking something bad will happen here

“Ares return” Tommy said making Ares go back to his Poke Ball for safety as he switched Ares Poke Ball to Crowza's Poke Ball"Alright then let's go" Tommy said with barely any confidence as he went through the cave with Crowza PokeBall in hand


As he kept going through the cave he saw almost every Rocket member defeated out of nowhere (actually he defeated them they just kept using supersonic and just kept hitting themselves)

So as Tommy reached the end of the cave he saw a man with blue hair and countless Slowpokes around the area and a blue fox or wolf, maybe a dog? Like Pokémon with a bracelet with a stone inside, it was injured and badly beaten.

"You're only here is because of this useless stone mutt" The Grunt said angrily at the Pokémon who was almost in tears 

Tommy was angry at the man yelling at the poor Pokémon, so Tommy switch Crowza's Poke Ball to Ares and said a quiet command "Ares use Ember" as he threw the Poke Ball

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