Chapter 6- Midway Training (And Wishes to not be the next BBH)

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>Trainer Tommyinnit


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While leaving Violet City, Tommy was wondering if he was weak (mostly because he had a hard time fighting Falkner Pidgeotto, if he hadn't weakened him he would have lost) so he started to train all of his Pokémon

"Alright then guys I think it's time to train" Tommy said while all of his Pokémon line up

"Now we're going to do basic training running or well in Crowza case flying, Swimming, And battling" Tommy said as whistle at the

They began by doing simple laps up and down the route, later they began swimming at the small pond they found at the route

(A/N They are still in Route 29 since if I remember there was a pond there please correct me)

Then they started to fight the wild Pokémon of that route until the sun started to go down

"Okay guys I think we should go to the Pokémon Center and spend the night we trained all day" Tommy said as all the Pokémon agree

They went back to Violet City and went to the Pokémon Center Hotel Rooms and started to get ready for sleep until Tommy noticed something

"Well what do I change to I only have these clothes" Tommy said as he was facing his dilemma

"Oh the PokeMart should have clothes" Tommy remembered as he grabbed his PokeBalls and Ares who was half asleep and went to the PokeMart


As Tommy was looking at the cloth section finding some pajamas and some outfits he thought looked nice, there was some trouble happening in the Pokémon Center

But Tommy wasn't aware of that as was in the PokeMart buying pajamas as that was the only thing he can afford and left as he saw the Pokémon Center with Officer Penny and Nurse Joy outside talking

"Hello Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy what's wrong" Tommy asked worried something happened to one of them

"Hello kid the problem is that some Rocket Grunt went to steal some Trainer's Pokémon while they were asleep" Jenny said while writing down some clues, but Tommy saw that she doesn't remember him

"Jenny do you remember me at Elm lab" Tommy said a bit worried to Jenny

"Oh you must have seen my Great Cousin Jenny she was on patrol for that day I can believe some people mistake us for each other we look nothing alike" Jenny said laughing at that detail

Tommy just blue screen as he was just trying to process what was just said

"Tommy let Jenny do her work, and you can go to sleep the Team Rocket person has left" Joy said as she pet my head

"Ok" Tommy said as he went back inside and went to my Room his opened my Pokémon Menu to see how strong we've gotten after Training

[Ares ♂️ LV 16

Soteria ♂️ LV 14

Crowza ♂️ LV 10]

Tommy just closed the menu satisfied at the results of his training and went to bed with the thoughts of the next gym he goes


Tommy woke up to the sun hitting him in the face very brightly

He woke up already planning on killing the sun just because he wanted 5 more minutes of sleep as he got up from his bed

"Alright then let's start this day off at least decent" Tommy said as he went to the bathroom and changed his pj's to his trainer outfit

He left the bathroom only to see Ares almost falling off the bed while his other Pokémon were fast asleep in their PokeBalls

Tommy yawned as he picks Ares up and put his PokeBalls near his belt leaving his backpack behind he went to the dining hall for breakfast

As he went down, he saw all the trainers giving their Pokémon food or some being outside training with other trainers

Tommy went to the chef and picked up his food which was apparently called malasadas from a region called Alola which he thought it tasted nice, and he let his Pokémon eat their food while he ate his food

As they were eating Tommy noticed some Trainers not having their Pokémon out and instead are being sad or crying he saw one of the trainers actually sitting next to him so decided to ask

"Hey mate what's going on" Tommy asked the Trainer "Team Rocket stole my Pokémon I thought after years of them being radio silent I thought I would have a shot of being champion, but it looks like the moment I do be a trainer they started back up again" The trainer said as he went in tears

Tommy just put his plate back and returned all of his Pokémon back inside the balls and grabbed Ares and went to his Room

He grabbed his backpack and made sure to check it to not leave anything behind, he left the Pokémon Center feeling rather nervous from what that trainer said

If this Team Rocket steal Pokémon would they go after me, Tommy thought as he left Violet City and enter a new Route called Route 32

He just hopes he doesn't have to deal with them


The new Route was just straightforward as pretty much it was straight path nothing difficult about it

As he continues to walk to the next city he noticed a giant cave and next to the cave entrance he saw a sign that read go through the Union Cave to go to Azalea Town it read Tommy just let out a breath of tiredness as he looked at Ares who asleep inside his backpack just hope the cave isn't complicated to navigate as he went inside the Union Cave


He was so severely wrong it was dark as heck (Y'know his missed swearing, he hates that this world forces him to be PG+13)

Ares woken up after a few Zubats he encountered by running at one (Ares actually woke up because Tommy scream after one almost but him)

So, Ares led the way, his back ignited by his flames

As they walked Tommy was just looking at Ares like a kid who found a pet that they love except to Tommy he saw Ares as himself they younger version of him who fought in a war for his brother but here he saw someone who will stand by him in anything

And that made Tommy feel relaxed, sure now he knows this world has some evil by mostly he's been treated with more kindness that his world

And he will take it because he knows he deserves better

As they saw a light in the cave, Tommy and Ares knew that they are almost free, so they started running to a new Gym Challenge Together


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