Chapter 8 - Bump in the Road

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>Trainer Tommyinnit


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When Tommy woke up, he was feeling dread

This normally would mean something bad will happen 

But what it's been perfectly normal he's not in the SMP he's in Johto or whatever this universe is called, and he's fine 

Tommy looked around and saw his Pokémon all sleeping together in a cuddle pile while Mars was more by himself like a lone wolf

Tommy smiled he just needs to get used to them to be friends he thought as he got up to stretch, hearing the satisfying crack of his bones as he left to the cafeteria of the Pokémon Center

Tommy saw some chicken tender and pancakes, and he chooses the tender because he likes that more than pancakes and a ton of Pokémon Food for the expansion of his Team

He went to his room and pour the food in bowls and placed his tenders on the table and started eating while his Pokémon started to wake up from their sleep

As Tommy ate, he looked at his bag to see what he had 


[Potions x14

Poke Balls x20

Revives x 3]

Pretty much decent stuff as he ate the feeling became worse, but he still doesn't know what that means he opted to ignore it maybe it was Team Rocket again

As Tommy finished eating, he threw his paper plate in the trash as his Pokémon continues to eat, Tommy decided to see what was interesting today as he opened his Poke Gear 

“New Shopping Center-” skip “Ultra Wormholes in Mele-” skip “Bugsy is back at the Gym in Azalea Town, so Gym Trainer Come on by”

That caught his interest, but first Tommy should visit Kurt first for the stone earring he made for him “Alright guys let's go see Kurt” Tommy said getting his Poke Balls and returning everyone back inside them accept Ares

“Come on Ares, let's see Kurt” as they both walked away from the room and Pokémon Center to Kurt's House


As Tommy and Ares both walked to Kurt house that bad feeling Tommy had has grown worst, but Tommy managed as he knocked on Kurt's door

“Hey Kurt I'm here” Tommy said as the door opened to show the old man with a rainbow stone connected to an earring with also a Rookadie feather with it near the stone (kind of like Techno's and Dadza earring except they have a white feather)

“Thank You, Kurt” Tommy said as he put the earring on him also thankful his ear didn't close while in exile and the whole journey

“No Problem kid thanks for saving the Slowpokes as well in fact in made you some special poke balls” Kurt said bringing out two bags of Poke Balls “I had the help with someone gathering the materials for these special poke balls in this bag” Kurt said giving Tommy the first bag Tommy opened it was a bad with a blue design with yellow on it “That's the quick ball the start of the turn this Poke Ball can make it easier to catch a Pokémon” Kurt said as he gave Tommy the other bag “And these are the Time ball the longer the battle goes the easier the Pokémon will be able to catch” Kurt said while Tommy got a Poke Ball with a clock on it pretty lazy design he thought until he remembers Bugsy was at his gym “Thanks Kurt, for the earrings and the Extra Poke balls but I gotta go to the gym see ya” Tommy said at a quick hurry forgetting to close the door itself while Ares just chased after him

PKMN Trainer Tommyinnit joined the gameحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن