Chapter 5-Feather Fight

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>Trainer Tommyinnit


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So, Tommy was in a … predicament, so to say.

Listen, he wanted to challenge the gym, not to make a kid cry over beating his Rattata.

"Uhh kid are you okay" Tommy asked the kid "My name is Joey and no, I'm not you beat my super awesome Rattata" Joey cried out in anger.

So, the kid is crying because he lost Tommy thought "Okay kid I may have been a trainer for about a day but don't cry over losing that just means you learn defeat, and you will use that to motivate yourself on winning" Tommy said giving advice to the kid while his sniffles was calming down, and he looked a bit happier.

"Ok thanks Mister" Joey said, leaving with his Rattata.

"Cynda" Ares said, making Tommy look at him "What's wrong Ares" Tommy said worryingly, but it seems it wasn't bad since Ares just wanted to continue on.

We passed all the trainers who we defeated or were normal people who just said hi and we step into a new town called Violet City where the official Pokémon Challenger Guide Book™ says it has the gym of Falkner the flying type specialist.

Flying type huh reminds me of Phil I thought as I shook the thought out of my head I went to the Pokémon Center to heal Ares and Soteria 


[Ares LV 7 ♂️

Soteria LV 5 ♂️]

I may have a small team but can I beat Falkner I thought my anxiety getting to me, I couldn't help it all I remember was Dream saying I was useless and a waste of space I mean my family certainly thought of it when they left me and Wilbur just so he can abuse me

But what about Fundy a small voice in my head said, and honestly, I think about Fundy a lot I may say I have a horrible life but Fundy he has an Uncle who is 'younger' than him and another Uncle who hears voices to kill and a Grandfather who never bother talking or asking about him 

I may have been in his life playing outside making sandcastles cakes and everything but does he rea- Nurse Joy pulled me out thoughts "Here's your Pokémon I hope you come again" Joy said as she went to help the trainer behind me

I left the Pokémon Center and went to the gym, only for a Random man to stop me

"Oh Sorry kid I'm new to this region I'm from Galar" The Man says "Oh it's nothing I'm was not paying attention" I said as the man laughed at this accident "so where you're heading" The Man says "The Gym" I said as I walked closer to it with him behind me "Hmm Hey kid if you beat Falkner I can give you this Pokémon I got from an egg he doesn't obey me, so maybe he will for you" The Man says making me feel weirded out, but I nodded as I head to the gym


As I went to the Gym, I saw a picture of the Gym Leader and I felt myself having a Freaking Breakdown

Falkner looks like Phil

Sure, Falkner has Blue hair and a shorter yakuta, but that doesn't mean it's not the same as Phil

My breath started to get faster I swear I couldn't breathe as I fell to the floor but how can I stop Phil is here how can I breathe that mean left me alone with my Brother 

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