Chapter 38

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When Ithzarus struck me, I was inflicted by agonizing pain. Even now, my body is burning with a searing heat flowing through my veins. How long has it been? Days? Months? I couldn't tell. No matter where I looked, I saw no light. I'm unable to open my eyes, no matter how hard I tried to force them. It seems as if the darkness of evil had finally gotten me, confining me in a coffin of suffering. All I could do was stare ahead, into the everlasting shadow. I had tried calling for Ghirahim, only to myself unable to speak. It's like I've been frozen, I couldn't do anything. Am I even still alive?  Perhaps Ithzarus finished me. Ghirahim could be heartbroken right now, and here I am; unable to do anything. All I really want right now is to see his face, and I can't even do that. The heat within me only grew hotter; setting my body ablaze with flames of pain. Will the flames ever cease?  I lay there, silently screaming in my head. The pain was becoming unbearable. Honestly I'd rather be dead than feel this. No injury I've ever sustained could compare to the pain I felt this very moment.

As the pain increased, my mind was flooded by vivid memories of my life: My friends on Skyloft, my loftwing, my first time flying, my training at the Knight Academy, Zelda...The events of my life played before my eyes like a moving picture. I watched Zelda fall beneath the clouds, the surface coming up to meet me as I plummeted down there for the first time, the demon lord I hold dear to me. I watched myself enter the room with the golden doors in Skyview. I watched the way he turned, his eyes meeting mine. I remember feeling a special connection when he looked at me. A connection different from anyone I knew. Not even my friendship with Zelda ran that deep. Perhaps it was the thread of fate the demon had told me of later in my journey. Perhaps the thread truly did exist, forever binding me to that diamond spirit. One thing I knew for certain is how much I grew to care for him. Perhaps that thread of fate binds us all to someone; someone we end up loving dearly, despite the emotional tie we may share at the time. My burning hate for the demon lord transformed to a love which knows no bounds. It's a love which no one can disrupt. And that is true love.

The searing pain finally reached it's peak. I couldn't help but shriek in agony; my voice echoing silently throughout my mind. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. In the distance, in the heart of the pitch black shadow, was a small light. The darkness slowly faded away as the light grew. It grew brighter until it left me blinded. My eyes stung. I tried to open my eyes again, to rid myself of the light's sting. I was surprised to see a room ceiling above me. I had opened my eyes at last. The sound of muffled voices reached my ears. In that moment I knew; this was a new beginning.

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