Chapter 13

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Link stepped forward, placing his hands on the rough, crumbling temple door. "You ready?" he asked Ghirahim. His partner gave a single nod. Link pushed the door open as hard as he could. 'This is pretty heavy...' The door scraped against the ground as it opened. The entry way opened up to an old, dusty stairway leading downwards into the dark dungeon. With a quick glance at Ghirahim, Link entered cautiously, followed by his partner.

As the two descended the stairs, the only audible noise was the sound of their footsteps and Ghirahim muttering about the "bothersome dust". The staircase led to a giant, ornate room made of stones. The outside light had found it's way into the room through cracks in the ceiling. Ancient writing had been engraved into the walls. Vines tangled themselves along those walls, shielding some of the writing from view. In the center of the room sat the giant tree they had seen from outside. Unlike the previous vegetation they had seen thus far, the tree's branches were covered in green leaves, and appeared very much alive. Ghirahim gazed at the room in utter disgust. "This floor is practically caked with dust!! Someone really needs to air this temple out now and then." Link rolled his eyes at the demon's comments as he stepped into the room. A locked door was located on the far side of the room. Link inspected the area closely, searching for some kind of switch. His eyes landed on his sword spirit, who was still ranting about the dust-covered floor in a dramatic way. 'Ugh.... Some help he is...' About half a minute later, the young hero found a green diamond switch, like the ones he had seen back in Skyview Temple. He drew his sword that he had brought with him, and smashed it into the switch. The diamond separated into tiny shards, and the door he had seen was now unlocked. Approaching the next room's entry, he noticed Ghirahim appearing in a flurry of diamonds next to him. "This place is repulsing." Link decided to ignore any dust related remarks from the demon lord as they entered the next room.

The room was round, decorated much like the first. Upon entering, the door slammed shut behind them, the light fading to an extent as a large shadow slithered around the darkness. Link drew his sword, entering a battle stance as he scanned the chamber for the danger that awaited them.

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