"What if I don't get the courage to tell her? What if she does not look fine?!!.... What if it's not time yet?...."

"DUDE what the hell!! Read the room!!" Tina yelled at her for ruining her moment and Heidi started laughing.

"It's okay Tina. And Praya you will know if it's the time or not. Now go somewhere else and let us be!!"

"You guys JUST met after so long and started kissing each other already?" Praya cringed and then she got up to leave for her home. "Meet you guys tomorrow at the same time"


(Back to present)

"Wow, you did a lot too" Celine said getting closer laying next to Praya making her gulp.

"Umm I had to tell you something..."  she knew that now was the perfect time.


Praya shyly put her hand on Celine's head and ran her fingers through her hair very softly while her eyes were following the motion of her hands. It sent shivers down Celine's spine and she bit her lower lip.

"I- I-" She paused and took a deep breath "Ever since you came in my life, I have been more positive about everything. You might not know but you have helped me experience soo many new emotions. Honestly, I didn't think I could even feel anything after papa's death and that cruel training but you... YOU made me a better person. I like you Celine... I really really like you since the first day I saw you-No... the first time I sniffed you? You gave me butterflies at that time. And then you saw me talking to my papa... but that didn't feel invasive at all. In fact I liked it... I liked it when you sulked at me for not listening to you properly about your truth. I liked how you made me feel when you wore that white dress. I liked it when you comforted me after we caught Heidi and when we first kissed... Nuu, you are the only person to make me feel this way, I love you-"

Celine's eyes were filled with tears after hearing all this. She knew that they both had a connection but she didn't expect Praya to feel so deeply about her.

"Nuu~ say something..." Tears also came from Praya's eyes when she saw Celine like that. For a moment she thought that Celine didn't feel the same way about her and she was ready to get up from the bed. 

Just then Celine kissed her cheek. It felt way more intimate than their kiss or any of the late night talks they had. Praya couldn't think about anything for a solid two minutes and that's when Celine confessed her feelings.

"I had idolized you ever since you joined the gang and accomplished your mission so effortlessly. Back then I always thought 'Wow I really wanna be like her' but when we met, you treated me so coldly. I started to dislike you but then also you were always on my mind. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about you when you... disappeared. And when I finally saw you outside my green room that night, your eyes staring directly at me. My heart started beating so fast, my stomach felt weird and I wanted to hug you there in front of everyone. After that I realised how much I liked you, romantically. I was stopping myself from coming at you too hard but I couldn't in Chiang Mai. Today before coming here, P'Prai called us lovers but I didn't know what to say. Even if we had kissed and snuggled... I don't know what we are."

"Celine~ be my faen*?"

( Faen - Girlfriend {or boyfriend}, sounds like fan)


"Atleast think for a sec!" 

"Thinking ever since we returned from Chiang Mai!" She suddenly positioned herself in Praya's arms, her head near her girlfriend's heart. "Don't want to think anymore"

"It's been just a day..." Praya also adjusted to make it more comfortable for her nuu.

"Yeah whatever~ let me sleep like this now"

"Haha ok- wait! One thing is left" she remembered that she hadn't done the last thing what Heidi said.

"Wha-" Celine couldn't even complete her words and Praya quickly pressed her on the lips against Celine's. When she broke the contact, Celine looked up at her and got shy. She buried her head in Praya's chest. They both smiled uncontrollably.


At the breakfast table, Praifah and mae witnessed a very changed demeanour of both the girls. They had became clingy and lovey-dovey overnight. It was almost impossible for them to stay away from each other's sight. After breakfast, it was Praya's turn to do the dishes. Celine did sit with everyone for sometime after Praya had gone but at the first chance she got to go to the kitchen, she sprung up like a cat and went to stand beside Praya.

"Do you also see a difference?" Praifah excitedly asked her mother.

"It's you who sees it, I knew it would be like this when she entered the house. It's called puppy love kiddo" Mae was calmly reading the newspaper. "I saw the difference in Yaya whenever she talked about Celine. I hope they stay happy like this forever" she smiled while looking at both of them being goofy in the kitchen.

"But they will have to face many difficulties..." Praifah whispered to herself. 

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