VI Aftermath, Deal, and Moving Forward

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Heads up in advance. This Chapter will be a longer wait for the plot since it will continue off the first ova, and give more clarity on our boy August. You have been warned. Sit down for a longer read, if you would.


Oh and Aoi says leave a vote and comment if you don't mind.

August Pov

The first thing he saw when his opened eyes was a simple room.

Gray furnishings on the lone bed, a small table, and an empty desk.

Now to most people, waking up in a strange room is a horrifying idea.

But this room was all to familiar to August, after all it was his mind.

He quietly sat down at the desk as he reminisced on the prior events.

"Honestly, I could have done better." was the first thing that left his mouth.

The whole situation with the first Herrscher clone could have been mitigated if he would've pulled out the ace earlier.


He wanted to have a fight for once without being judged for being the InFeRioR sex.

The residents were never in any danger. If worse came to worse, he would've pulled an Otto.

Which is to say do something completely out of pocket, that no one would see coming.

"Well, too late to complain now. My body is currently recovering from my impromptu act. *Sigh* Honestly. What a drag."

August leaned back with his arms behind his head.

And he just pondered.

When was the last time he ever exerted himself that much?

'Let. Me. Go!'

'We had a deal remember? The equilibrium must be upheld!'

'If we could have swapped places you and I? Would our paths have been any different I wonder...'

Nah. He couldn't remember.

But there was something he could remember with nostalgia.

Flashback, a few years ago....

It had been several days since August had received his name, and he was ecstatic.

It might seem trivial, after all it's just a name.

But to him, it was the perfect gift given to a nameless boy like himself.

So he did what any excitable teenage boy would do.


"Guess what?!"

Barge into someone's office while they're working and rudely interrupt them.

A certain Otto Apocalypse looked up yet again from his slumped position on his desk.

He already knew this was coming, and so with some dread asked the question despite his mind yelling not to.


"I got a name! I'm August now!"


Silence filled the room at his proclamation as two individuals stared at each other.

Otto with confusion, and August with a wide grin.

"O...K? And your telling me why? I thought you hated me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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