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August could be seen standing in front of a mirror like object. No. Not a mirror. Shard would be the better word. This is a shard of a memory. Who it belongs to? Well that's a secret.


He had no words as he observed the events happening inside.

Two people.

A purple haired girl was seen screaming in indignation as if betrayed. Countless distortions in reality occurred as the very world seemingly bent to her will.

This was Sirin, the Herrscher of Void. Or the rather inferior version.

She took this anger out on her opponent, throwing parts of the landscape and other things as well, but he was no slouch himself.

The air shimmered around him as objects formed. Nay. Constructs appeared. Works of both bad and excellent craftsmanship. Humanities worst and best. If the world was forced to bend for the girl, then it seemingly molded itself for the man.

Welt Yang. Herrscher of Reason.

This is what happens when the world itself is dragged into a fight and seeks preservation. It will help those it can consider trustworthy.

If Sirin is a Herrscher, a ruler, of the void, and an proxy for the Honkai, then Welt must be a Heiland, a redeemer or savior, of humanity.

There clash was surely a sight for the eyes, well those capable of viewing such a thing without being eviscerated on the spot.

August smiled wryly upon seeing a certain thing happen.

August smiled wryly upon seeing a certain thing happen

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Welt asking, well commanding Sirin to kneel. Who knew that quiet child would grow up to someone like this.

He truly is a Warrior for Humanity...

1 week later

After sorting out the mess that was three teenage girls in his dorm, August was understandably cranky the following morning.

His solution for the night before was simply ignoring it. He told Theresa and Himeko to figure it out before the end of the week as he locked himself in his room.

They never bothered to fix it, and instead offered compensation as well as making Himeko move in to chaperone. He just accepted since he couldn't be bothered.

A week passed as well in his class, where no one seemed to grow suspicious of his validity in being an aid. No matter how much constantly destroyed anyone for the smallest mistakes. He did notice Mei and Bronya were suspicious due to living damn well with him, although Kiana surprisingly wasn't.

Weird considering Kiana allegedly has an IQ of 180 or so.

Well this should change that. August was up a while that night, planning his next 'lesson' for the class.

To Find Salvation, I'll Rewrite This StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora