6 - Infiltration

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I was left speechless and just plain useless as I saw Lady Emilia sob in despair in front of me. She was explaining how Lady Sasha was a close friend of hers and how they had decided to go to school here together. But alas, their plans did not come through.

I felt the sour and bitter taste of guilt in my mouth as I knew who could've possibly been behind her murder, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her. Not without proof, at least.

Her short straight brown hair reached just above her shoulders; her puffy eyes were filled with sadness, yet her fiery red eyes still gleamed under the light. She was just as tall as me, maybe a little taller.

My discourtesy towards her just moments ago was completely forgotten as she cried in grief for her friend.

I was shaken up from everything that had happened, but I couldn't possibly imagine what Lady Emilia felt.

Even though I couldn't do anything at that moment, I subconsciously swore to myself and to Lady Emilia to bring justice to the dearly departed. 

I could not bear the thought of the second prince getting away with murder just because of his status. The royal family should protect the people, not harm them. They are able to bathe in luxury because of the people's money and support; it is only right and just that we are protected.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I caressed Lady Emilia's back in an attempt to comfort her.

After what felt like hours of her crying, those were the only words I could manage to get out.

I wasn't exactly a pro when it comes to offering emotional support, especially to people I just met. I'm more of an offering-a-solution type of person, which I know was not needed right now.

"It's all my fault," Lady Emilia said as she sobbed uncontrollably. Her eyes and hands were wet from the tears that rolled down seemingly infinitely from her eyes.

"If I hadn't convinced her to come here with me, she would still be alive now," she wailed in agony as she dived deeper into the abyss of self-blame.

"It's not your fault," I timidly said to her, hoping it would ease her pain.

To my surprise, for a moment, she stopped sobbing and looked right back at me.

"You're right. It's that Salceda wench that killed her," she said, anger filling up her eyes. I flinched at what she had said and before I knew it, my mouth had already opened.

"That's not--" I said unconsciously. Thankfully, I managed to stop in my tracks before I could finish my sentence.

Lady Emilia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at what I had just said.

"That's not what?" she asked as the tone of her voice heightened.

"Nothing," I said, as if it would cover my blatant lie.

Unconsciously, my eyes started to roam, trying to avoid eye contact. 

"You're lying," Lady Emilia said as she grabbed my shoulders and shook me so hard, forcing me to look her in the eye.

I could see the anger, confusion, and sadness evident in her face. I couldn't bring myself to lie any longer, but I had no other choice. What I was lying about was for both of our own good.

I bit my lip to restrain myself from spewing unnecessary words that could get both of us in trouble.

In time, I will get to tell her, but for now, I really need some sleep if I were to survive for another day.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I waved my hand over her head, making her forget what had just happened a minute ago.

I have been practicing that trick for months, but I still quite haven't perfected it yet. I can only make people forget the memories a minute before the spell is cast.

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