17 - Inception

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As we returned to the private chamber Prince Dylan had arranged for my preparations, the lively ambiance of the festival still lingered in my mind, though now it was overshadowed by the anticipation of the evening ahead. Hannah and Evelyn, my steadfast companions, accompanied me, their presence a comforting reassurance amidst the whirlwind of excitement.

As we entered the chamber, I noticed two other maids waiting patiently by the vanity, their expressions poised and professional. They immediately sprang into action, bustling about the room with purpose as they prepared the space for my transformation.

"Welcome back, Miss Clytie," one of them greeted me with a warm smile, her voice soft and melodic. "We've been eagerly awaiting your return to begin your preparations for the ball."

"Thank you," I replied with a grateful nod, feeling a surge of appreciation for their diligence and dedication. "I'm eager to get started."

With their expert guidance, I settled into the seat at the vanity, allowing them to work their magic. The maids began with my makeup, carefully selecting hues that would accentuate my features and complement the golden tones of my gown. They applied a soft, shimmery gold eyeshadow to my lids, blending it seamlessly with a warm bronze shade to create a subtle yet striking look. Next, they expertly lined my eyes with a dark brown eyeliner, adding a touch of drama to the overall effect. As they worked, they chatted animatedly about the festival, asking me about the sights and sounds we had encountered.

"It was incredible," I replied, my voice tinged with excitement. "The parade was unlike anything I've ever seen before. There were dancers and performers from all corners of the empire, showcasing their unique talents for all to see."

As they continued to work on my makeup, the maids nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with genuine interest. "It sounds absolutely enchanting," one of them remarked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I can only imagine the spectacle it must have been."

With my makeup complete, the maids turned their attention to my hair, carefully crafting an elegant updo that would complement the sophistication of my gown. They teased and twisted my locks into intricate braids and coils, securing them in place with delicate pearl pins and spritzing them with a shimmering hair spray to add a touch of sparkle. Throughout the process, they peppered me with questions about the parade, eager to hear more about the festivities we had witnessed.

"There were floats adorned with flowers and ribbons, marching bands playing lively tunes, and colorful banners flying high in the breeze," I recounted, my excitement evident in my voice. "It was a celebration unlike any other, a true testament to the unity and diversity of our empire."

As they put the finishing touches on my hair, the maids nodded in appreciation, their expressions filled with admiration. "You paint quite the picture, Miss Clytie," one of them remarked, her tone filled with genuine warmth. "I can only imagine how breathtaking it must have been to witness such a spectacle."

With the final preparations complete, I rose from the seat at the vanity, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation coursing through me.

With a gracious nod, I allowed the maids to assist me in donning the intricate golden gown, fully aware that its elaborate design required meticulous attention to detail. As they carefully laid out the gown before me, I couldn't help but marvel at its opulent beauty, the delicate lace and shimmering embroidery sparkling in the soft glow of the chamber.

As the other maids assisted with fastening the corset and undergarments, Hannah and Evelyn approached, their eyes bright with anticipation as they joined in the preparations. With gentle hands and practiced movements, they helped to carefully lift the gown, ensuring that it cascaded around me in a seamless cascade of golden fabric.

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