"But then again... Too few to mention."

Marcus looks down at the floor for a moment, trying to figure out a way to get his attention. He looks back at the two before gasping when he notices the girl, watching him with wide eyes and an opened mouth.

"I did... What I had to do..."

Marcus' eyes narrow in concern, the two watching one another for a moment. His face softens to surprise as she pats Johnny, making him lean down as she whispers in his ear.

"And saw it through without exception..."

Johnny swiftly turns around, gasping at the sight of his dad. Marcus fully appears out of the curtain, smiling and holding his arms out for a hug.

"I planned each charted course..."

(Y/N) grins widely as Johnny quickly rushes to his dad, hugging him tightly. Marcus holds his son with a soft smile on his face, gripping him tight. They pull away and Marcus keeps an hand on Johnny's arm, setting his other on the nape of his neck.

"I'm so proud of you," he says softly, pulling Johnny into another hug.

Johnny gasps lightly before hugging his dad back just as tight. He pulls away before smiling back at (Y/N), who had been standing a few paces off with a nervous grin.

"Each careful step along the byway..."

Johnny motions for her to come over as Marcus watches, smiling. She walks to the two and Johnny wraps an arm around her shoulders, introducing her to his dad.

"And more, much more than this..."

Both talk with each other about Johnny, Marcus laughing as he mentions how Johnny talked about her as Johnny blushes. Marcus chuckles as Johnny eventually smiles, looking between the two as they talk.


Helicopters fly overhead, making some of the fly system ropes snap off. People gasp as the spotlight from the helicopters scout over them, getting close and loud.


"Uh oh," Marcus gasps, backing away slightly as (Y/N) and Johnny nervously look around.


"I did it my way..."

"You gotta be kidding me," Mike growls as he squints against the helicopter wind.

"For what is a man?" He grunts, catching his hat. "What has he got? If not himself... Then he has not!"

Mike yelps as one of the fly cable system latched on his suit, lifting him in the air.


"To say the things he truly feels!"

The three brutes drive angrily to the theater, ready to rid of Mike. Unknown to them, Mike's girl speeds after them in Mike's old car.


"And not the words he would reveal!" Mike grabs the mic from its spot as the rope lifts him high into the air, the helicopter pulling it. "The record shows I took the blow!"

The crowd gasps as he was pulled into the air, Eddie scrambling to fix it and get him down.


"Negative, I've lost sight of the suspect and am terminating pursuit." The policeman says into his radio, and pulls the helicopter away.


"And did it..." The crowd gasps as Mike swings down, one hand holding the rope as his foot settles on the hook that held his suit. "My way!"

The crowd cheers and claps for Mike as he jumps off the hook, dusting off his suit with a grin.


The teenager from before wipes tears from his eyes, the others crying as well.

"That pip-squeak really was great!"


"Thank you, thank you so much," Mike chuckles into the mic as the crowd continues cheering. "Oh, please! You're too kind, really. Look at me! I'm turnin' red. Stop! I can't take it," he shuts his eyes before waving his hand with a smirk, "keep it coming."


"Well... I better get back," Marcus sighs, looking around before chuckling. "They'll be wondering what happened to me."

Johnny sighs, wrapping an arm around (Y/N) as he sadly nods.

"You'll visit me though, yeah?" Marcus questions nervously, some fear in his voice.

"Yeah! Of course I will!" Johnny grins and nods eagerly.

Marcus smiles, looking at (Y/N), "and I hope you'll come with him when he does."

"Oh! Yeah, I will!" she stammers and nods, making him chuckle.

"See you... son," Marcus places a hand on the nape of Johnny's neck in a loving fatherly way, backing away and smiling as Johnny widely grins back. "Treat her well, you hear me?"

Johnny nods with a determined expression, making Rick grunt and nod with a smile.

"Good. Take care, (Y/N)," Marcus nods to her before climbing up some of the scaffolding with ease.

He pauses and looks back at the two, smiling and chuckling softly as Johnny places a kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek as she laughs.

He shakes his head with a grin and continues to climb, proud to be Johnny's father.


Only two more chapters ;-;

Next up, we have Meena! ❤❤

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