Ready To Let Go

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Hobi says, "She and Jungkook have been especially close working on this project. He was as happy and excited about it as she was. So they did spend a lot of time together, whispering ideas and making plans but that was all they were doing together. He knew this would make you so happy when you saw it. He did it as much for you as for her."

Jimin hangs his head then pushes his hair back off his face before looking up at them, "I've been such a jealous idiot." 

He stares at them wide-eyed as if something just hit him, "I'm going to be a dad?!"

 Yoongi can't help but grin seeing the amazement on Jimin's face, "Yes, yes you are."

Hobi says, "It was so hard for us to keep the secret and get this video done without you getting suspicious of what we were doing."

 Yoongi sighed, "You got suspicious anyway over her and Jungkook. That we did not see coming."

Jimin gets up and pushes the chair back in front of the computer, "I have to see this again. How could I be so blind." 

They leave him alone closing the door as he restarts the video.

You wake the next morning and realize you are not in your room or Jimin's, it is Hobi's. Just the thought of Jimin has your eyes tearing up and your stomach feeling sick. You rush to the bathroom and throw up. 

When you come out you see someone has brought some of your things to Hobi's room.

You take them into the bathroom take a quick shower and dress. You text Hobi but don't get an answer. You remember briefly seeing a note on the stuff left for you on the chair. You go back to the chair and read the note.

"Little one,  

 Jin brought you some things he thought you might need. I didn't want to wake you. He can be so much more sneaky than me. My heart hurts with the pain Jimin has caused you. Never fear little one, we will fix this for you. You can stay in my room as long as you need to. Jin also told me he ordered breakfast for you. He knows what you can tolerate.                                                   Please rest and when you are ready just let me know." 

It was signed "Forever your Sunshine"

You sit in the chair and re-read the note when there is a knock at the door. You answer it and it's food delivery with breakfast. You thank him and when you sit down you look in the bag. 

You smile, Hobi and Jin are the best oppa's in the world, besides your own of course. Inside you find food that you know you can usually hold down.

After eating dry toast and a small bowl of oatmeal.  You text Hobi that you are feeling better and since you're already in his room why didn't he come here? 

He texted back for you to meet in Jimin's room.

Your stomach starts to roll, you feel ill. So you call him, "Hobi Oppa, I can't face Jimin. Besides he told me to get out and leave him alone."

 "And since when did you start doing what he tells you?" He laughs and you can't help but laugh back.

"You have a point but this is different. I want to go home to my mom and dad. I want to leave today."

"Little one I understand if you feel you must leave. But will you please speak to Jimin before you go? Please?" 

You lower your head and feel tears start to form, "I, I guess I can, but I need you to be there with me. I can't handle this alone."

In his gentle voice, he says, "You can count on me. I will come get you." 

He hears your sigh of relief, "Thank you Oppa." 

A few minutes later Hobi knocks then enters. You tentatively stand and he comes and holds your hand. He makes a fist with the other and raises it "Fighting!" 

You can't help but smile at him then your smile fades as you tell him.

 "I'm scared. I don't know if I can face him after what he's done and not break down."

 He looks at you tenderly, "Don't be scared. We will all be there for you."

A little surprised you say "All of you will be there?"

 You start to blush embarrassed that this last meeting between you and Jimin will be witnessed by them all. You have a sinking feeling your relationship with Jimin is truly over.

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