Stay Away From Jungkook!

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Confused at his gruffness in pulling you out of the studio, you glance back at Yoongi. He is standing there peering out the studio door with a look of utter shock on his face at how one of the young ones had the guts to talk to him like that.

 As you turn down another hall, you ask, "Jimin, what's wrong?"

 He growls, "Nothing!" and keeps pulling you along. You pick up your pace to keep up so as not to be dragged.

 "Jimin, slow down. You're going too fast." When you reach his room, he opens the door, propels you through, and then closes the door behind him.

You both had dinner in his room. He hardly spoke to you. He mainly pushed his food around on his plate. "Are you feeling alright, Jimin? Is there something I can do for you?" 

He doesn't even look up at you. His voice sounds strained, and he says, "Stay away from Jungkook."

A bit surprised as that came out of the blue, you ask, "What?" 

Swallowing a gulp of wine, he slams the glass down on the table, and it shatters. Startled, you jump back in your chair. 

He stands up, says, "I said stay away from Jungkook! Is that so hard to understand?" and leaves the room.

You are stunned. You sit there, totally taken by surprise at his actions. Suddenly, you run to the bathroom and lose what little you had managed to eat. You sit on the floor in the bathroom, crying. A few minutes later, you get up, wash your face, and gather your things. You head down the hall to your room for the night.

Later that week, Jimin is looking for Taehyung when he sees Jungkook and you sitting together, heads close, whispering, too close, too damn close. Before you spot him, he calls out, "Tae, where are you?" 

Jungkook darts away from you, and blushing, you turn away from him. Jimin acts like he hasn't seen you together, but he is burning up inside.

You suddenly feel sick on your stomach and run from the room. Jimin walks up to Jungkook and grabs him by the shirt, glaring, "She's mine! Stay. Away. From. Her!"

 He storms out of the room, leaving Jungkook staring after him wide-eyed, his mouth gaping open.

Once the shock started to wear off, he texted Yoongi and Hobi to let them know what had just happened. He put his phone away as he hurried to the restroom, opened the door, and peeked in.

"Are you okay, Noona?" Jungkook asks with worry. 

You are at the sink washing your face and rinsing your mouth out. "Yes, Kooki, thank you for checking on me." You dry your hands and meet him outside the restroom.

Concerned about you, he asks, "How long will this last?" 

You sigh. "It can last anywhere from a few weeks to nine months." 

His eyes widen, "Are you kidding me?"

You shake your head, "My sister was sick the whole time, while my cousin was never sick, not even a day. It is different for each woman."

 Awed by this, he says, "Wow, I had no idea."

A few more weeks go by, and Jimin hardly talks to you. It seems he is avoiding you as much as he can, always claiming he is busy.

 Several times, Jungkook and Jimin came close to exchanging blows, but one of the hyungs would always step in to separate them as they glared at each other.

Jimin isn't having dinner with you anymore, telling you he has to practice in the dance studio and not to wait up for him. That wasn't hard for you to do. You got tired quickly now. You order dinner for you both and wait up as long as you can, just in case he comes in hungry. But the next morning, his food was still there untouched. 

You consider just moving back into your room for good. But instead, you cry yourself to sleep. Each night, you are sound asleep, unaware when he comes to bed, and each morning, you can tell he slept in the bed, but he was gone before you were awakened by nausea.

Jungkook is upset at holding back what he knows will fix things between you two, and Jimin is extremely angry, thinking you and Jungkook are hooking up.

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