Is It Mine?

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Yoongi gets in his face, "Why would you do that to her? She loves you!" 

Jimin frustrated that they wouldn't leave him alone replies, "I didn't do anything alright?" he swipes his hand through his hair. 

Hobi says, "She told me you confessed to cheating on her."

Jimin looks at them, "I admit that I had her meet me here in my room. We kissed but all I could think about was Minji. I couldn't do it, nothing would work, so I just told her to leave. Then I left and went to the bar." 

Yoongi jests, "Nothing would work? You mean you couldn't..." 

Jimin interrupts him, "Shut up! I just didn't want her." 

Yoongi asks, "Why would you do that to Minji to begin with?" 

 He can't look at them and turns his head away running a hand through his already mussed up hair.

 "I wanted to hurt her like she hurt me."

He explained all the secret meetings, whisperings, hugs, and kisses when he saw her with Jungkook. 

Yoongi looks at Hobi, "Shit!" 

Taking that as confirmation Jimin suddenly stands up face to face with Yoongi, "Oh god it's true, isn't it!? She's cheating on me with Kook!"

Hobi and Yoongi look at each other then Hobi says, "No, she is not cheating on you with anyone." 

Jimin starts to move for the door.  Yoongi pushes him into the chair in front of the monitor. "Sit, watch, and learn." 

Jimin tries to get out of the chair but the next thing he knows Hobi is wrapping him in a sheet to the chair with Yoongi's help. 

He can't get up, "What the hell are you doing, let me go!"

Yoongi puts a memory stick into the computer sets things up and turns to Jimin, "She was making this to give you on your third anniversary of being a couple and we were helping. Most of the work was done by me and Jungkook." 

Hobi adds, "She spent a lot of time with them. We were all helping and trying to keep the secret she was so excited and happy. Her happiness would fill the room and... " he pauses and looks at Yoongi "Even Yoongi felt it."

 Yoongi grimaces and says, "It was contagious" and shrugs his shoulders as if there was nothing he could do to stop it. 

Hobi continues, "Kooki felt it the most because he's our Maknae, he cares so much about you."

The video starts and he and Yoongi both leave the room. During the start Jimin is busy trying to get unwrapped from the chair, then he looks at the screen, and for the next 4 minutes he can't take his eyes off of it.

Jimin noticed a strange kind of rhythm in the background of the song layered under the music but he didn't know what it was. It puzzled him and he tried to figure it out. 

Yoongi and Hobi didn't wrap Jimin up where he couldn't get loose. They only wanted him to be still long enough to stop trying to get loose and watch the video.

When they knew the video should be over they entered the room and there was Jimin's head down covered in the sheet they had restrained him with. They can see his body shaking with sobs.

 Jimin pulls his face free of the sheet, "Is it mine?"

Yoongi grabs him by the shoulders and hauls him to his feet, "Of course it's yours!"

He shoves Jimin back into the chair "How could you ever doubt it? My god you are insane?!" 

Hobi, with sadness in his eyes for the wreck they both are, says, "Jimin, the baby is yours do not doubt that."

"Where is she?" Jimin sheepishly asks his hyungs.

Hobi says, "After she came to me she cried herself to sleep in my room."

 Jimin starts to get up to go to you but Yoongi puts his hand on Jimin's shoulder, "Jimin, let her sleep." 

Hobi agrees, "Please let her have this rest. She will be there in the morning."

He sadly looks at them still having doubts about it being his, with a broken heart he mummers, "I need to talk to her. I need to know for sure." 

Yoongi grabs Jimin tightly by the shoulders, "It's your baby! Dammit, don't do this to her!"

Yoongi lets Jimin go as Hobi steps close to Jimin. "Talk to her after she has had some sleep. She was an emotional wreck when she came to my room earlier." 

Hobi puts his hand reassuringly on Jimin's shoulder. "Let her get herself together. Tomorrow will be soon enough."

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