Your Heart Is Tied To His

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 Hobi knocks and then enters Jimin's room. All the others are there just like he said. They are smiling and it feels awkward. 

You turn to Hobi, "What's going on?"

The guys start to part and behind them on his knees is Jimin with tears in his eyes watching you. You just stand there glad to have Hobi to hold on to. 

Jimin looks at the you, "Nae Sarang, please forgive me. I didn't sleep with her. I have always been faithful to you." 

He looks down ashamed for hurting you. He looks back up, "And I know you have been faithful to me. Can you please forgive my stupidity? Despite what you must think of me, I do love you and only you."

You stand there torn, not sure what to do or believe. Jungkook clears his throat nudges Jimin and smiles at him. Jimin looks back at you and moves to being on one knee and pulls a small ring box from his pocket. 

Jimin looks up at you "Can you accept my heart and body as yours to always have and to hold? Aein(sweetheart) will you marry me?" 

You look at Hobi and he smiles at you pats your hand and whispers, "Go to him Little one, you know your heart is tied to his." 

You step to Jimin and he stands wary, wondering what your answer will be.

You take hold of his hand, "Jimin you say you love me and only me, can you learn to love someone else?" 

Shocked he says "What? Love someone else? You want me to love someone else?  Are you breaking up with me?" 

You sigh and tell him "There is something you need to know."

 His heart plummets to the ground thinking you are going to break up with him. He glances at Jungkook and then back at you. Still doubtful, his eyes are brimming with tears thinking he has lost you.

You step one step closer to him and softly say "We're going to have a baby."

 His face lights up with joy, knowing you aren't breaking up with him. Hesitantly he softly says, "I know."  

You're not aware he knew so you think to yourself  'How long did he know? Is he only asking to marry me because he knows I'm pregnant? If I wasn't expecting his baby would he have even asked?' 

You feel you just have to know, "Jimin are you asking because of the baby or because you want to marry me?" 

Surprised by this question he just stares at you and then looks around at the others who are just as surprised as he is.

With tenderness and love in his eyes, he says, "I want to marry you because I love you, our baby is a gift I wasn't expecting." 

Jungkook laughs, "That's because she is." 

Tae gives him a quick elbow to the ribs and he stops laughing but they grin at each other as if it was a good joke.

 Jimin ignores them, "I had planned on asking you to marry me before I knew about the baby. I've had the ring for weeks now." 

He smiles at you, "So will you marry me?" 

Tears are forming in your eyes and you step closer to him nodding and holding out your hand. He places the ring on your finger and you suddenly turn and run to the bathroom.

He stands there bewildered and looks at the others, "Did I do something wrong?" 

Jin pats him on the shoulder, "No silly, she's pregnant. She will probably be doing that for a few months at least." Everyone is laughing and congratulating him.

 He is lost in thought, 'No wonder she was so tired all the time and seemed to be sick a lot. Oh my god I picked on her for putting on weight, I called her fat, and yet she still loved me even after all I put her through.' 

 He hears the others going on and on about him being the first to marry and have a baby in the group when they always thought it was going to be Namjoon. He joins them in the brotherly teasing of Namjoon.

You are in the bathroom washing your face and rinsing your mouth. There is a soft knock at the door and Hobi steps in, "Little one are you ok now?"

 You look at him with adoration and go hold him in a tight hug, "Thank you Oppa for always being there for me."

He pulls away and smiles, "We all will be there for you both.  Now go to your love."

 He shoos you out of the bathroom and you see Jimin is the only one left in the room.

Hobi gives you a gentle nudge forward then he leaves closing the door quietly behind him. You step to Jimin and smile, he reaches out and pulls you into his arms. 

"I didn't know my heart could hold more love than it already does for you until I saw the ultrasound and heard the sound of our baby's heartbeat."

You wipe a tear and ask, "So you are happy about the baby?"

 He kisses you, "I am overwhelmed, scared, excited, happy, and crazy about you and our baby. I love you, sweetheart." 

Your heart is healed and full, "I love you too." 

Suddenly you look up at Jimin surprise on your face. 

He asks, "What is it? Is something wrong?"

 You giggle and place his hand on your tummy, "Our baby's first kick."

He giggles as he feels the baby kick against his hand.

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