You Can't Trust Me

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Suddenly you start to cry burying your face in your hands. 

Yoongi asks, "What's wrong?" 

Jin says, "It's just hormones. She will be a watering pot for months yet." He laughs but the others don't join in. 

With such sadness in his eyes, Jungkook says "I think I know." and the others nod, they know too.

Hobi takes you into his arms and pats your back as you cry. "Oh little one." he kisses the top of your head, "Now you stop crying and go freshen up. Did you forget tonight's movie night?" You give a weepy smile and agree to meet them later.

After going to your room and changing your clothes and freshening up your hair and make up you wanted to talk to Jimin. You go to his room hoping he will go with you to movie night.

You enter his room and he is sitting there Hoodie, hat, and sunglasses on like he had just come back from somewhere. It was night time why did he have sunglasses on He threw his sunglasses on the dresser across from the bed and removed his hat. He turns his head to watch you come towards him. 

 You can tell he has been drinking

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 You can tell he has been drinking. You continue towards him when he says "STOP!" 

You stand still and he throws his hat on the dresser upset. He flops back on the bed his legs still over the edge. With a  voice full of anger and regret he says, "You can't trust me, because I can't trust you!"

Confused you go to step closer, "What do you mean? I don't understand." 

Turning his head he sees you are coming closer to him anyway. He quickly puts out his hand to stop you.

"Stay away from me Minji."

You were close enough to see that his eyes were red and puffy, you're not sure if it was from drinking or if he may have been crying. You stand still waiting, not sure what to say.

 He puts his arm over his eyes, "I invited someone back to my room today." 

Shocked you ask, "What?" Your heart starts to beat fast and you feel lightheaded. "Who?" You ask hoping it was just a friend he sometimes hangs out with.

He says without looking at you, his eyes still covered, "You don't know her." 

Suddenly you felt like a lead weight had been dropped in your stomach, your legs felt weak and you sat on the edge of the bed as far away from him as you could, but you just had to sit or drop to the floor.

 That was when you noticed it, a faint smell of perfume but it wasn't yours. You haven't worn any in a couple of months because it made you nauseous.

 The only perfume or cologne that didn't make you ill was Jimin's. The other members wouldn't use theirs when they knew they would be working close to you.

Jimin sits up and runs his hands through his hair then begins pulling off his boots. With an indifferent attitude, he says "You flirt too much with Jungkook." 

Not expecting this you are surprised, "Jimin, you and I both are flirts it's part of our personality. You know I'm a huggy kind of person and you are the same way. Why are you acting like this?"

 You lower your head and softly say "A heart beats because of you."

Too angry he isn't listening to you and tosses his boots down beside the bed missing what you just said.

 "I don't want to talk to you right now, just leave me alone." 

Your eyes start to fill with tears, "Do I know her Jimin?" 

He doesn't say anything, upset you raise your voice "Do I know her!" 

You want to know so you can avoid her.  You knew you couldn't take it if you had to work around her. 

"Do I know her Jimin?" tears fall from your eyes as you feel your heart crack.

 He jumps to his feet and menacingly steps close to you glaring and in the coldest voice you have ever heard come from his lips

"I said I don't want to talk about it. Now get out." He steps away and flops back on the bed and covers his face with his arms. He noticed you haven't moved.

 "I said leave me the hell alone! GET OUT!"

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