Band aids. barbie dolls, and other things I didn't sign up for

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I watch as the trees fly by, and the birds chirp happily. The sun is setting, making a yellow and orange glow across the pink and blue sky.

And I am sitting in the car, starting anew. It always starts like this, a beautiful sunset with my father sitting next to me driving, and my younger sister in the back.

It wasn't always like this. Before Mama and Bianca died, we always stayed in that little shack in the woods in Italy. Then, the lightning storm came, and Mama was outside. With an umbrella. The lightning struck, and just like that, she was gone.

My father was distraught, and he still is. We moved to America, and he started working a job that barely allowed him to see Bianca and I. One day, when he was out on another work trip, Bianca went out with her friends. I made her friend, Percy, promise to keep her safe. That night he came to me with the news she was dead.

I never forgave him for that, still not to this day.

Percy says that they went into a junkyard. Bianca saw a statue, one from my stupid card game, mythomagic. She climbed to the top of the junk pile to get it, but lost her footing, and came tumbling down. A sharp piece of metal punctured her, right through the heart, and she was dead instantly. Her friend, Zoe, died with her.

When I heard this news, I ran. I ran from everything. My little 10 year old legs couldn't carry me fast enough. I ran from Percy, who was yelling my name behind me. I ran from that boy, who I was developing feelings for. But I had a head start, and he knew that he couldn't catch up.

I met this shady guy, and he took me in. He told me his name was Minos. He was homeless, and lived on the streets of California. We traveled around a lot, though. Minos had found passageways underground that lead to everywhere.

I stayed with him for a year. Then, we ran into Percy. My feelings for him were still there, but my hatred for him pushed it down. He promised he would protect Bianca, and she was dead. I hated him.

Percy tried to talk me out of staying with Minos. He said that Minos was using me. I didn't believe him until it was too late.

Minos sent me to do another job for him. I was kidnapped, and he didn't save me. Percy saved me.

Percy made me go back to my father, not knowing that my father blamed me for Bianca's death.

My father was drunk most nights. Decided to punch me and hurt me. The neighbors started to catch on, and we moved.

We started to move constantly. My fathers work decided to start moving us also. Late one night my father came to our house drunk from the bar. Nine months later, a baby was dropped off at our porch, her mom claiming that she didn't want her. My father started to get a soft spot for her, and she stayed with us.

Hazel, my other sister, looks nothing like me. Her dark brown skin contrasts my ghostly white pale skin. Her dark brown hair was wavy and looks nothing my black hair.

Hazel has a huge age difference with me. While I'm 17, she's 5. But I love her so much.

My dad decided to get better for her, and went to a drug rehabilitation center. He's better now, but I know he still blames me for Bianca's death. He still gets angry and his abusive side shows sometimes.

We still move around, but it's better somehow. And I love Hazel so much, I'll do anything for her. That's the only thing that keeps me from running away again.

There. I told you my life story. And there is still more to come. Did I mention my name is Nico di Angelo?

My father pulls up to a house. It looks old, with paint peeling off the sides. The yard is unkept, with vines growing everywhere.

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