32 - group

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third person pov

the next day when the two boys had to wake up, it was fourth who woke up first. he was wrapped up in gemini's arms.

he smiled before he turned his head and squirmed out of gemini's arms. he got up and went to the bathroom.

after he brushed his teeth and face, he walked out of the bathroom and went to the room.

fourth shook gemini by the shoulder. "gem, wake up." he said softly, looking down at the other boy who was sleeping like a log.

gemini just hummed and nodded, turning around and continuing to sleep. fourth looked at him, a bored expression on his face.

"gem, come on, we have school." fourth said and laid down beside gemini. he shook the boy again but gemini wasn't getting up.

fourth just rolled his eyes and smiled a bit, getting an idea.

he sat down, his feet on gemini's back, he looked at gemini and then he pushed him off the bed.

gemini fell down, a loud thud sounding in the room, and a groan following after. fourth started laughing, but gemini just sat up and looked at him, holding his back.

"fuck, fourth!" gemini said and looked at him. fourth was still laughing, but gemini got up and rubbed his eyes. he stretched out his back, a crack was heard.

fourth was still smiling, looking at the other. "im sorry, you weren't getting up." he said and gemini just nodded. "yeah, it's okay." he said and also smiled.

he walked to the bathroom and then after about ten minutes he came back. fourth already changed into his uniform and had his zip up on top.

gemini got dressed and they went downstairs. gemini's mom had made food, but both of them weren't hungry. she wasn't home, she had just made the food and left for work.


when they got to school, gemini went to his friends, while fourth went to talk to phat.

"fourth!" he heard someone call behind him. it was a boy. not someone he knew. he turned and looked at him, a confused look on his face.

the boy was smiling and he just smiled back awkwardly. "uh, do i know you?" fourth asked the boy who shrugged. "im ford, im in your english class." ford said. fourth smiled and nodded. "oh yeah, ive seen you before sorry, i just didn't remember your name."

"it's okay! uhh, me and my friends wanted to ask you if you wanted to sit with us at lunch." ford asked and fourth's eyes widened. "really?" he asked and ford nodded. fourth smiled, genuinely now. "uhm, of course. ill come sit with you guys." fourth said and ford smiled widely and nodded.

"see you in class or lunch." ford said and fourth also said bye. fourth looked at ford walking away, a smile still plastered on his face. he turned around and walked away.

he went to his class and he sat down, taking out his phone and starting to scroll through instagram.

the teacher came after a few minutes and he put his phone away, taking out his notebook to take some notes.


when the bell rang for lunch, fourth got up and went to the cafeteria, he looked around and then he saw ford sitting with some other people.

he took a little breath before he walked over to them. ford turned around immediately and smiled. "hi, fourth. you can sit down beside satang." ford said and fourth looked at the guys, only one of them was looking at him, so he assumed he was satang and he sat down beside him.

then they all looked at him, he felt awkward. he looked at everyone and smiled a bit. ford turned to the boy beside him and whispered something in his ear.

"well, im winny, you're fourth, right?" one of them asked. "yeah, ford invited me." fourth said, looking at winny and then at ford. "okay that's cool, thats satang beside you." winny told him and fourth nodded.

they all looked at him again and satang raised an eyebrow. "where's your lunch?" he asked and fourth turned to him. "oh- im not hungry." he said, satang giving him a big 'oh' and then turning to his food.

the boys ate their lunch for a bit, fourth was on his phone. he didn't realize how awkward it was to make new friends. he looked up and a few tables down, he saw gemini. he was eating his food and talking to his friends just as usual.

he looked at him for a bit, before he heard someone calling his name. "fourth?" said satang. "what is i?" asked fourth, turning to look at satang. "do you know gemini?" he asked, fourth giving him a confused look. "uh, kinda yeah, why?" he told him and satang shrugged. "theres not really a specific reason, ive just seen you together a few times." he said and fourth's eyes widened.

"where?" fourth asked, satang raising his eyebrow a bit. "where what?" "where did you see us together?" fourth asked, satang saying 'oh' yet again. "well, ive seen you go home together yesterday and i think i saw you at the mall or something. ive seen you guys more but like, its just times ive been out." he said and fourth just nodded awkwardly. "yeah, we're friends. kinda." he said, whispering the kinda.

fourth's pov

after lunch, i got up from my seat and looked at the three boys. "im gonna go to class, ford you have english too right?" i asked and ford nodded, also getting up. "yep, im coming with you." he said and i smiled. "ill see you guys tomorrow or later." i said to satang and winny. satang gave me a smile and winny just nodded and said bye to me (in a nice way, though).

me and ford left the cafeteria and ford looked at me. "you don't have to be so awkward, just loosen up a little, they're not mean or anything- well maybe winny is a little bit but once he gets to know you, i bet he'll wanna be your friend too. and satang is really nice too, they just need to get to know you better and i think they'll be nicer." ford said to me.

i smiled at him and nodded. "yeah, it's okay if they don't want me to sit with you guys, i can always just sit back where i always did." i said and ford shook his head quickly. "what, no way. you're sitting with us, don't worry they'll like you." he said and i just smiled. "okay then. ill sit with you guys tomorrow too." i said, ford smiled. "great!"

we both got to class and we sat down, i sat down in my usual seat and so did ford. he gave me another last smile before the teacher came in and the lesson started.


this is probably the most shit chapter ive ever written... it's like im a new writer man. ALSO sorry for not updating, ive been REALLLYYY busy. i had to go on a vacation w my team and i was busy so i barely had time to write. but before that I lost motivation for a bit so i couldn't write. but thanks for waiting brooo ill try to update faster<3

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