18 - weird

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phat's pov

I heard fourth come home and I got up, leaving the guest room which was where I was staying. but I was too late to come out so I didn't see him. I just shrugged my shoulders and I went over to the kitchen to get some water.

I went back up to the room and I sat down on the bed. I took out my phone again and I played some random games.

suddenly, I heard a knock on my door that startled me a bit. "come in." I said and my dad came in my room. I looked at him, confused and he just walked in and closed the door behind him. "phat, can you come downstairs? gia wants to talk to you." he said and I nodded. he walked out of the room and once he closed the door I threw my phone beside me and it almost fell on the floor.

I hated this. I hated that he got full custody of me. I would much rather live with my mom. she was such a better person. he was just neglectful. he only talked to me if he had to tell me something really important or serious. he never really gave a shit about me.

I got up and I went downstairs. I saw gia on the couch and my dad beside her. I looked at both of them, confused. "what do you need?" I asked and gia put her finger up. "wait, fourth needs to come too." she said and I sat down.

after a minute, fourth also came downstairs and sat down beside me. he looked at me with a face that asked me what was going on but I just mouthed a I don't know and shrugged my shoulders.

we both turned to them and gia started talking. "okay so. firstly. I want to tell you guys when the wedding will be." she said and I internally rolled my eyes. "yeah, and?" I asked, my dad gave me a look and quickly shifted his gaze towards his soon-to-be wife. "it'll be at the end of this month." she said and my eyes widened. "what? why so soon?" asked fourth. I nodded, and looked at them. "well, we wanted to get married as soon as possible." said my dad. I turned to fourth and he also looked at me.

"okay, uhm, it'll be at the end of April, right?" I asked and they both nodded. "can I go to my room now?" I asked and my dad gave me another stare, but gia smiled softly. "yes, of course. both of you can go." she said and I nodded, getting up and going back to the room.

I jumped on the bed and that was when the phone fell. I groaned in annoyance and I reached out to take it. I got it from the ground and checked it to see that a person texted me. well. it wasn't just any person.

beam was a friend of mine. he didn't judge me for who I was, he was a nice person. he went to a different school so we didn't really see eachother that much. we usually spoke over the phone or just over text. he was really nice.

beam⚡:  yoooooo
pissbaby🖕: hey
beam⚡: what r you doing
pissbaby🖕: nothing really. I just went in my room
beam⚡: were you eating?
pissbaby🖕: nope. I was talking with my dad and his wife
beam⚡: I thought they weren't married yet?
pissbaby🖕: yeah they aren't but they're getting married probably in a week or two. they didn't tell me and fourth the exact time.
beam⚡: ooohhh. well good for them I guess
pissbaby🖕: yeah.
beam⚡: I'm really boreeedd. are you free to call?
pissbaby🖕: yeah I am. you call me.
beam⚡: aye aye captain.

I smiled and then I saw his name on the screen. he called me from his number not his Instagram. I pressed answer and I put the phone to my ear. "hey, beam." I said. "hey, phat. nice to hear your voice once in a while." he said and I rolled my eyes. "haha. it isn't nice to hear yours. I'd rather see your face than listen to your voice." I said, smiling a bit. "should I face time you then?" he asked and I hummed. "yeah sure." I said and he said a quick be right back and he hung up, calling me back but a face time.

I kinda fixed my hair and I answered him. "back, and as handsome as ever." he said, running a hand through his hair. "whatever helps you sleep at night." I said and he made a fake offended face. "how dare you? I'm more handsome than you ever will be." he said and I chuckled. "sure, that's why you pull everyone." I said and he smiled. "well of course. you're too cute to be pulling people. they'd be pulling you." he said and that kinda made me freeze a bit.

sure, he usually called me cute and pretty and stuff. it never came out of his mouth that I was handsome. but everytime he called me that, I felt like I was going crazy in my stomach. I always got compliments from many people. but when it came out of his mouth, it felt different in a way.

"phat? hello?" I finally snapped out of it and shook my head slightly. "huh?" I said and he smiled. "you okay?" he asked and I nodded. "yeah, of course. why wouldn't I be?" I asked and he shrugged. "nevermind." he said. okay then.

I heard a knock on my door and I internally groaned when I did. "mute yourself for a minute." I said and he nodded, muting himself. I forgot to mute myself though. "come in." I said and then I saw the door open and I saw fourth walk in. "oh thank god it's you. I thought it was my dad or something." I said and he smiled. "of course it's me. who else would interrupt you while you're talking to someone?" he said and my eyes widened a bit. "how did you know I'm talking to someone?" I asked.

"I heard you tell them to mute themselves for a minute. so I just assumed you were talking to someone." he said and I let out a pretty long oh. "who are you talking to? your girlfriend? friend?" he asked and I looked down at my phone, I still didn't see that I was unmuted. "just a friend." I said and he hummed. "maybe a boyfriend? no way though." he said and I kinda froze again. but I snapped out quickly. "I said, just a friend." I told him again and he put his arms up. "okay, don't snap at me. I'm just curious since you're always teasing me about gemini. maybe I can tease you with your 'friend'." he said and I rolled my eyes. "okay please just leave me alone." I said, stretching out the alone. "okay okay, I'll leave you and your 'friend' alone." he said and left the room.

I looked down at my phone and that was when I saw that I was unmuted. "oh shit.." I said, my eyes widening. beam just started laughing and I looked at the screen. I groaned loudly, annoyed with myself. "I hate myself oh my god" I said and beam was still laughing as if he saw the funniest shit on earth. "stop laughing it isn't funny. this is so embarrassing." I said, laying my phone Infront of my knees to hold it and covering my face with my hands. "so he thinks I'm your boyfriend, huh?" he said once he calmed down and I just peeked at him through my fingers. "shut up." I said.

"I wouldn't really mind it though." he said in a pretty confident tone and I felt my face heat up almost immediately. oh shit. I was probably redder than a tomato right now. I took my hands off my face and I took my phone in my hands. "okay I think that was enough for today. bye." I said and he snickered. "aww, are you blushing?" he asked. "byeee." I said and hung up.

I put my phone on my side and I took my pillow and buried my face in it. I let out a very muffled scream and I just kept hitting my head on it. this was horrible. I made an absolute fool out of myself. this was so embarrassing.


okay I know this chapter is NOTHING like my other ones but I wanted to give phat a little storyline too. make a small side couple and they'll be mentioned in other chapters too.

On Your Side !¡ GeminiFourth (Read Desc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora