19 - figuring

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fourth's pov

that night when I was sitting in my room, I was a bit bored. I wanted to talk to someone but I didn't want to bother gemini. and like anyone would do, I decided to bother phat. again.

I got up and went out of my room and I walked over to phat's room. I knocked and I heard him say "come in." so I went inside. I closed the door behind myself and I looked at him. he just groaned and looked back towards his phone.

"what do you want?" he asked and I walked over to his bed before I basically jumped over his legs that were covered with a blanket. "I just wanna bother you." I said and he rolled his eyes. "go bother gemini." he said and I frowned a bit. "are you still mad at me for embarrassing you infront of that person?" I asked him and he just looked at me. "what do you think?" he asked. I got up and sat down beside him. "I was just teasing you." I said and he nodded.

he looked back at his phone and sighed. "are you texting them right now?" I asked and he looked at me. "no, I'm looking at hi- I mean uhm, their photos." he said and I just looked at him. "are they atleast hot?" I asked and he looked at his phone then back to me. "he really is." he said and I smiled. "so it's a guy?" I asked and his eyes widened. "what? no of course not. I'm not gay." he said. I could hear the panicking in his voice.

"phat, it's okay. I'm literally gay myself. and plus liking a guy doesn't mean you're gay. you might be bi or pan or something." I said and he looked at me, suddenly his eyes gleamed with relief. I smiled at him and he just took the pillow from his side and pressed it to his face. he then turned and looked at me. "I don't know. I haven't liked anyone but him ever since I met him. it was like, everyone else vanished and it was just him." he said and I nodded.

I was pretty shit and dating advice but I guess I was about to try and give him some. "how long have you known him?" I asked him. he thought for a second. "one year and I think nine months. dad's only seen him like less than five times." he said and I looked around for a second. "when did you start liking him?" I asked and he thought again. "uh. one year and nine months." he said and my eyes widened. "holy shit. well uhm. do you think there might be a chance he likes you back?"

"no way. he literally just broke up with his girlfriend like three or four months ago. it'll be too soon to like me. and plus I'm pretty sure he's straight." he said and I nodded. "who knows. maybe he does like you." I said. trying my best at reassuring him. "yeah. maybe. but I doubt he'll like me as much as I like him. you get it right? you probably like gemini a lot." he said. "I do like him, I love him but. I don't know how much you like that guy of yours. can you like, describe it to me?" I asked and he bit his lip a bit.

"well, everyday I always look forward to talking to him, whether it's a voice call, face time, texting or even seeing eachother and hanging out. and I also think of every possible thing we could do together but when I try to think of the same things with another person I just feel disgusted. like I can't imagine doing anything with anyone if it isn't him. I don't know if that's called an obsession or if it's some weird illness. but I just know that it's just him in my life that I want to do every single thing with. and I started feeling this not so long ago. maybe a few months ago when we started getting really really close." he said and my eyes widened. "oh wow. uhh. maybe you're demiromantic but I have no idea." I said.

he looked at me and gave me a confused face. "what's demiromantic?" he asked and I paused for a second to think a bit. "it's kinda like. you only feel a romantic attraction to people you're really close with, or you feel a connection with them." I said and he hummed. "but google will probably help you a lot more. I'm not really a professional. you should like do some research first." I said and he nodded. "okay. thank you so much, fourth." he said and I smiled, putting my hands out for a hug. he leaned in and hugged me.

his hug was really warm and it was a nice hug honestly. I smiled in the hug and I pulled away. "if you wanna talk, I'm always free." I said and he nodded. "same goes for you." he said and smiled. I got up and looked down at my phone. "I should go. it's getting pretty late and we have school tomorrow." (let's pretend it was a day that nobody went to school cz I absolutely forgot about the school when writing this.) I said and he nodded. "okay. goodnight." he said and I said goodnight back then I left the room and headed to my own.


very very short filler chapter. ik these last two chapters have been kinda focused on the side couple but the next chapter will be geminifourth 😎

On Your Side !¡ GeminiFourth (Read Desc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora