28 - fun

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fourth's pov

turns out I fell asleep when me and gemini were in the bed. gemini was still lached onto me, but he was sleeping.

I reached out and took my phone from the nightstand. it was 2am. I turned my phone back off and I put it away. then I tried falling asleep again but I couldn't.

I huffed and then I wriggled out of gemini's arms and I got up. I walked to the bathroom and then I washed my face.

I looked in the mirror and I took a towel, dabbing it on my face to dry it. sighing, I went out of the bathroom just to be met with gemini.

I jumped a little and looked at him. "holy shit. you freaked me out." I said and he smiled. "sorry, baby." he said, his voice seemed like normal. it didn't sound like how it normally would if he'd just woken up.

"when did you wake up?" he asked me and I shrugged. "maybe like half an hour ago." I said. he nodded and looked at his phone that was in his hands. "I didn't notice." he said.

I cocked an eyebrow. "I was awake the whole time. I couldn't fall asleep. maybe I did fall asleep for a bit before you got out of bed." he said and I hummed. "oh, okay then. I was gonna go back to bed." I said and he nodded.

I went in the bed and I lied down, gemini following right after me. he got beside me and I felt his arms wrap around my torso.

(yay changing to third person again. little warning for the unholy stuff I'm about to write -ayo sam smith?- read if u want)

gemini looked at fourth. even in the dark, his eyes were shining brightly. his eyes looked like brown crystals that would glow in the dark. and he loved that.

he looked at him, but slowly his gaze flicked down to fourth's lips. the lips that were as soft as feathers whenever gemini's own would touch them. the ones that tasted like strawberries.

gemini always longed for them, ever since they'd spoken he'd wanted to do every possible thing to fourth. anything he could.

he knew that was impossible since fourth wasn't comfortable with it so just making out was enough for him. he wasn't gonna break the boundaries.

he could hear fourth's uneasy breathing and as he tried steadying it. he could hear the audible gulp and the way his tongue slid against his lips, making them wet.

gemini slowly leaned in, fourth doing the same. the space between them grew smaller and smaller. their breaths got closer. until finally, fourth leaned in fully and clashed his lips against gemini's.

fourth slowly got closer to gemini as gemini kissed back. he snaked his hands up to gemini's neck and tangled them with his hair.

their breaths mixed, fourth breathing heavily into the others mouth. gemini put his tongue in fourths mouth and did as he'd done other times, but this time one thing was different. fourth was doing the same.

fourth quickly tangled his tongue with gemini's. their breaths were both heavy and their wet tongues were entwined. the warm feeling in fourths mouth made him let out a quiet hum in pleasure.

gemini then pulled away and littered kisses all over fourths jaw, making his way to his neck. he kissed and sucked on the skin, leaving little red spots all over.

On Your Side !¡ GeminiFourth (Read Desc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن