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I stretched checking the time, 4:12pm. I look over at the girl laying next to me dead asleep. She's a celebrity and yet, she's not busy at all. Well, it seems like it to me at least.

She groans rolling over to face where i was. She takes in another deep breath and falls into her deep sleep once more.

Marble stretches jumping off of me then walks over to billie that still sleeping. His purs being the only sound in the room. He puts his head under billie's chin, then lays down in her arms.

Gently getting out of bed i take a photo of them two then went to go get dressed. My phone rang as i brushed my teeth which is unusal for the most part.

I picked the phone up waiting for someone to say something on the other side.

"Hello is this astrid?" Some man on the other side questiononed.

"Yes it is, how may i help?" I hold the phone on the side of my cheek walking downstars with my notebooks and laptop. I walk into a small office just around the corner of the stairs.

"So we'd need that in by tomorrow" He informs me.

"Sir, if you have contated me a month ago i would of aready had your things ready by this time. There is no way I would be able to get that much done in one night," I tell him opening my laptop. "Next time you want to order something please check out the website instead of calling my personal number too" I slouch in the soft spinning chair, spinning around in circles.

"can it be done by next week?" He asked me once again. I opened my notebook and took a pen out.

"How does next week at friday sound?" I write some dates down.

"Perfect, can you do noon at friday?" He calmly asked.

"Sure, i'll give you the company phone number this time okay?" I kept writing this down that he told me needed done. "So the times will be noon to two okay?" I inform him. I try to make shoots less than 2 hours and 2 hours is max.

"Alright, ill email you the details" He informs me. I sigh looking up to see a smiling billie. I smile at her while she walks around the small makeshift office.

Me and the client finish our set up with everything while i write things down and set ups that could possibly happen.

"I've known you for almost 4 or 5 months now and i never even knew you did this" She looked around at some photos. She stopped when she saw a photo of her.

"You took this?" She pointed to it. It was a photo from one of her shows i took with my phone. I got up then leaned on the desk looking at it with her.

"Yes i did, i took all these in here" A gentle smile grew on her lips as she looked around at them all.

"They are amazing!" She does her little run to me standing infront.

"Thank you" I kissed her forehead. Her face turned to a light shade of pink making her eyes really pop in the sun.

"Anything for you love" She smiled. "Oh by the way remember how i asked you on a real date earlier?" She leaned her head agaisnt my chest. "How about tomorrow and i'll pick you up"

"But billie-" She looked up at me putting her pointer finger on my lips.

"I know what my face looks like right now but i dont care, i want to go on a date with you tomorrow if you don't have anything scheduled" She doesn't make eye contact as she tells me this.

"Then it's a date" She smiles and starts to walk out of the room. Once she starts to walk out of the office thing i look out of the door frame to see her silently celebrating and jumping around.

"I can see you!" Billie yells at me looking directly in my eyes.

. . .

Billie left once she woke up the next morning to go fix things with her brother. I rolled on my side looking at the little ball of fur that covered the empty space next to me.

I smile at the thought of earlier yesterday. Marble streched then rolled onto his back.

"Are you ready?" I pat his stomach. He makes a little meow and goes back to sleep. I get out of the bed leaving the little creature to stay there.

A knock on the front door startled me. Billie wasn't supposed to get here till around 5. It was only 11am.

Another knock came to the door. than another and another. I get to the door swinging it open.


"Mom. What do you want?" I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Can we try this again. Please. I didn't know that you knew him." I chew on my lip for a moment thinking.

"sure. cmon in" I pull the door open more letting her in.

"Let's actually have a conversation. please" I let out the breath ive been holding for a while i never noticed i was holdng.

"Do you want anything to drink? or eat?" I look towards her.

"Just water please, i already ate" I grab a glass filling it up with water. "so what's been going on in your life?" Mom started the conversation.

"I graduated school at 16, i homeschooled myself," I swollowed the lump in my throat. "I started a photography business that pays good, i still have marble," Speak of the angel and he shall appear. He sniffed mom's shoe then hopped onto her lap laying down.

"How are you and that nice billie girl doing?" Mom looked up at me with a smile.

"So you are okay with it?" She grabbed my hands gently pulling my hands on her knees.

"Of course i'm okay with it astrid, if she makes you really happy then i'm happy" Her voice was soothing as she told me. 

we continued talking for a few till the clock hit 3.

"I loved talking to you but I have to get ready for something" I get up off my couch looking down at my mom.

"what's happening?" She looked at me.

"I'm going on a date with Billie" I let the grin appear on my face. Her eyes light up in happiness and stands up.

"So then let's get you ready!" Mom claps excitingly as we walk up to my room. We started looking through the clothes i have till mom stops and looks at a hoodie i had hanging on my door. "You still have it" She took it off the hanger and held it in her hands.

"Yeah it's the last thing i remeber you wearing before you 'died" She sat down on my bed as i continued looking through my clothes.

she took a breath and got up.

"This! it'll look perfect!"

"Fake" Dating || A Billie Eilish StoryWhere stories live. Discover now