Rush and Ambush go camping

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Me and Rush were going to go camping for the first time. I was excited, and I could tell Rush was too. We packed our stuff yesterday to be prepared. As me and Rush were walking through Door 36, Seek stopped us to tell us a story of when he went camping with Figure. He said that a marshmallow monster appeared and tried to kill him and Figure while they were roasting their marshmallows. I said "So? That was you, not me or Rush. Our experiences are different because we aren't you and we don't do what you do." And then me and Rush continued on our way to go camping.

After we made it outside of the hotel, I was going to get firewood to make the campfire while Rush was unpacking our bags. After I had gotten 2 logs of firewood from the nearby forest, I realized that I packed firewood in my bag. After I started running back to Rush, he shouted "I got the firewood Ambush!"

Then we started to make the campfire. After 201 failed attempts we finally made and lit the campfire. Rush had grabbed the marshmallows and we started roasting them. After we ate our marshmallows a marshmallow monster came and tried to kill me and Rush. It stomped out our campfire on accident when it was chasing us. I had made sure to grab mine and Rush's bags before I started running from the marshmallow monster. When we got back in the hotel, the Marshmello monster forgot about us and went back to the forest. We should've believed Seek and not of gone camping.

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