#17 Willy

13 4 1

He was country


But very handsome

He out did




And definitely Sheen

But he was stupid

He rode horses

Thought I was sexy


And very smart

He liked that I would snap back when he snapped

Things were going good

Then one day I told him I loved him

He never texted back

So I told him we were over

I moved on

By that time I was talking to someone else

Call him...


Willy finally texted back three months later

Saying he turned his phone off


He had to find himself

I laughed and said

You couldn't tell me?

Honestly..I wasn't thinking of you

I snorted

I know.

I never took him back

I told him we could be friends

His reappearing

And disappearing act was still current

Until I finally blocked him

And deleted him from my life

Willy only suddenly wanted me back

When his crush wasn't available

Or his life wasn't going right

Nigga was always sad

Boring to talk to

Nigga always had problems

And I always tried to help him slove it

But he never gave a damn about mines

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