#29 Air

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He's Cuban I believe?

I don't know

His name has a cool spelling

Part of it makes up the word air

So I call him Air

He always laughs when i do and shakes his head

When i walk into math every morning

He looks up expectedly

I guess for me to speak or smile

But i hate mornings so i dont

I just sit and eat my breakfast listening to music

Then sometimes I'll turn around

He'll smile and laugh at what i say

I always ask him why is he so tickled

He says because I'm funny

I smile and say thanks

When we leave class I walk his way

I noticed it was a short cut

I'm oblivious to the world in between classes

I listen to music and day dream

My face automatically turns into a mugg

Making me unapproachable

Unless you actually knew me

He'll walk close by me

Shoulders almost touching

Until I finally look up and smile at him

He'll smile back

Then walk ahead

But slow down towards the door to open the door for me

I'll tell him thanks

Then he'll go some other way

I don't know where he goes

But some how he always beats me to class

When I walk in he'll stare and smile at me

Until i smile back awkwardly

And we both laugh

In class sometimes i see from the corner of my eye

Him staring

I never look his way

Because truthfully I find physics interesting

But most of the time he's speaking Spanish with this other girl

They laugh and talk

I tune it out with my music

Because I hate the way spanish sounds

And i hate the way this gay boy in the back yells all class period for no reason

I just hate everyone at school to be honest

But Air

He's a cool guy

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