#19 Theo

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We never dated

I don't like him

But he will always be in my heart

My best friend


But I had to cut him off too

He was shady as fuck

Would call me in front of his friends just to show off

Say how annoying I was


You called me nigga!

And chile he was an eyesore

But stayed calling somebody ugly
Couldn't joan worth a damn!

His priorities were all wrong




Hoodrat girls


And I warned him about them all

And they were all no good just like I said

He's always fighting

Swearing Niggas just don't like him


You a lie

You see he has a big mouth

His friends ain't loyal

His whole basketball team hates him

But he still laughs and lets them disrespect him

He sat there and listened to one of them curse me out

And laughed

Didn't come for my aid at all

Not that I needed it

But it's the effort that counts


He was like a brother to me

But I damn sure wasn't really family to him

He's so caught up

He doesn't even realized I've cut him off

I'm not even going to tell him

Let him figure it out

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