#15 Prince

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No need to sugar code his name

That nigga don't read

Now him

He's recent

I really was feeling him

He loved me like crazy

Kids and marriage stayed on his mind

He bragged about me to his family

Felt I was the best thing that ever happened to him


I had to let him go

God said so

I know y'all like you craxy

How you know?


I know God when I hear

Not to mention two prophets told me the same thing

So I broke it off

It hurt like hell!

I was really starting to like him

In the beginning I said yes to his advances in pitty

I had just been turned down by Sheen

In history class may I add

It was morning and hot but damp

I had cried in the bathroom

Then fixed my make up and acted like me for the rest of the day

So I didn't want him to feel rejected so I said yes

Wrong I know

Yes I told him this

Surprisingly he told me he still loved me and called me sweet

He was so sweet

But couldn't sing worth a damn

But he was better than Sheen

And better looking

But Andre looked better than both

But he had the most fucked uo hair cut

Nigga hairline was in the corner somewhere

Andre barber was never real for that


So when I told him last week we could only be friends over text..

Now I only did text because his phone was off

He called me.

Didn't know his phone was back on..

He sounded

Oh gosh

Like he had been crying

He said why?

What I do?

I love you so much

How am I distracting you

I felt like such an ass

But I had to do this

I felt like he was another Andre

My heart was almost trapped

I thought about him

And talked about him all day

I was making him my everything
I guess God noticed too

And saved me from another heart break

He said we could be friends

But he'd rather us be

So fast forward

It's Sunday

The day I had danced

I was tired!

I checked my phone to see drama

Best friend stuff

Then his message on messenger

He said he wanted to show me something


He wanted to show his dick

Because he missed me


At that moment I realized

That nigga ain't love me

He had bad intentions

All he wanted was sex

I'm not about that

I was so mad

If you miss and love me so much have an actual conversation with me! All you want to talk about is sex!

He tried to cover it up

Said he was sorry

He wanted me back

Prince can we please just be friends?

He said Alright

I said okay

After that he never texted me again

I guess he really didn't love me like he said

I really dodged a bullet

P.S. He was the type of nigga to not pull out on purpose...he was crazy..

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