#10 Stupid Me

22 3 4

I was so stupid.

I had to go and ask for repentance.

I had to really seek for God.

It was as if me and Andre had this soul tie.

Like I couldn't let him go.

I couldn't forget him.

No I don't wish to be with him.

Honestly if he tried to be with me I would deny his advances.

I just miss how it was when we first met.

But this whole thinga taught me..

You don't have to send dirty messages or sexy pictures to keep a guy interested.

They should be interested in your company alone.

Not what you can offer.

So I made a mistake.

Most would look at me differently.

My best friend does.

Even though she jokes about me being an internet hoe.

It still hurts

She doesn't know it's something I did to get my mind off of how lonely I was.

How empty I felt.

Sadly I looked for love in all the places and went about it the wrong way.

I know that now.

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