#1 The Dream

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It was a dream I know

but it was fun

we were laughing and having so much fun

he was fun

we were in school

he was cracking jokes and so was I

we were laughing at everything

my stomach ached and I couldnt breath

it felt so real

so fun

I hadn't laughed like that with someone in a longtime

then he turned and looked at me

and said something and turned back around

I kissed him

his lips were soft and wet

but he smelt like garlic afterwards

no longer fresh and clean

I apologized with a nervous laugh

he ignored it and continued to make jokes

I kept apologizing

he said it was okay

I wondered if he liked it

I asked "arn't you gay?"

he said "yeah"

and I couldn't stop thinking how embarrassing this is

my first kiss was with a gay guy

I went to the bathroom

there were no stalls

some guys walked in

I gave the guy next to me advice on a girl

he ignored me

I told him he was welcomed

I kissed him on the cheek walking out of the bathroom

he told me to wait

but I kept walking

I had to go to the concert

he caught up to me

he asked my name

I couldnt tell him

I was late

I went inside and looked for my place on stage

the guy I was laughing with pointed to it laughing

the teacher seemed sick if our laughing

I kept laughing while going to my seat

I realized the guy from the restroom was still chasing me

I knew he wanted me

for some reason I was really confident in this dream

and happy

before the concert could start I woke up

I tried to go back to sleep because I wanted to see the concert

but I couldn't

my stomach kept begging

I got up thinking about the dream

I could still feel his lips

I could still smell garlic

but I wasn't happy anymore

I was sad

it was a dream I know

but why did it feel so real

why did I feel so different


it was just a dream

and I knew that

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