Part 6

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His heart was in a flurry. It's funny how just the thought of her sent his heart beating. He looked around his apartment frantically, trying to think of something he might have missed. His eyes caught on the mirror hanging by the entrance and he rushed up to it. A few hairs have gotten out of place since he last checked. He let out a frustrated "Aaaargh!" That was just two minutes ago.

Roberto willed his hands to stay by his side. He slowly walked to his couch and threw himself down. A muffled groan issued from the pillow under his face. He turned over and closed his eyes.

"Stop it. Stop... it..." His mind lost the fight against his heart, who continued beating as hard as it had been. His face in the mirror had been flushed and his pupils were dilated. Before he gets mistaken as a stoner, he needs to calm the fuck down.

His mind conjured up a picture of Cal. "Breathe in. Breathe out. Breath in..." His eyes shot open and he threw a pillow at a pigeon outside the window. The pillow hit the window pane and fell miserably onto the floor. The bird cooed and ruffled his feathers, unimpressed.

Roberto hid his face in his hands. "This is so... stupid." Thinking of Cal made him think of tea and incense. He wished he was with Cal now. Cal would laugh at him. Roberto blushed. Yes. That sounded like Cal. A giggle sounded in the silence. Roberto stiffened, surprised, but the giggle turned into a paroxysm of body-shaking laughter. The pigeon outside swiveled its head at the sound of Roberto's giggle and when the torrent of laughter hit him, gave a coo of alarm and swiftly took to the skies.

Finally, the giddy feeling passed and Roberto laid exhausted from his outburst. He put a hand over his heart. It was still racing as fast as it had been. But this time, he smiled instead. It's going to be alright.


"I'm not going to take the car!"

"Oh yes, you are, girl. Miss Carrara would never walk the streets of the city. At least take Ajax. It's dangerous for a girl your age-"

"I am not a child and don't you dare call me Miss Carrara! Everybody else does. I'm sick of it. I want to be Adelina. An ordinary girl who can go out on her first date without bodyguards or limousines."

Zia's voice softened. "But you are not an ordinary girl, Adelina. Since I've promised not to come, then at least let me make sure you're safe."

Adelina thought for a second. "Then, plainclothesmen around the entrances would be fine wouldn't it?"

"Alright..." Her aunty resigned herself to her fate. But that didn't keep her down for long. "Be careful. Take your coat. It's still chilly outside. And be back before two. Don't wander outside the park and-" A hug stopped her from continuing.

"I'll be fine, Aunty. Really." Adelina murmured into Zia's hair.

They stood like that for a few seconds. Suddenly, Zia pushed Adelina away. Adelina felt cold, being torn away all of a sudden. Zia started brushing at the skirt she was wearing. Adelina stood stock still, unsure of what had happened.

"Really now, girl. You just got your skirt all wrinkled." Zia's voice had become a little gruff. Adelina giggled.

"Sorry. I'll be going now. I'll be back by two. I promise." She kissed Zia on the cheek and started for the door before Zia could react. She continued down the hallway, her head in the clouds. Adelina was almost to the staircase before she heard Zia's voice call after her.

"You forgot your coat!"

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