Part 3

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Every fiber in his body protested, but he still crawled to the edge of the roof and stuck his head over. Ashton laid curled up in a fetal position, his hand clutching at his heart and his lifeblood draining onto and into the greedy ground. Galen didn't cry out. No. He's been in the same situation before. Revealing his position and exposing himself wouldn't save Ashton. But tears blurred his vision regardless. He cursed and wiped at his eyes, furious at himself for being weak at such a time.

Trying to steady his shaking hands, Galen scoured the cityscape in front of him for a building tall enough and at the right angle to shoot at Ashton. A fluttering curtain caught his attention and he focused in on the window. The muzzle of a sniper rifle poked out, searching for its next victim. Galen saw a flicker of golden hair and aiming for that spot, he fired. Maybe his hand wavered at the last second or maybe his bloodlust wasn't strong enough. But the only time he shot purely to kill, his Eagle disappointed him and the muzzle of the sniper withdrew. The next time he was able to focus on the window again, Ashton's soon-to-be killer had rejoined the shadows.

Galen wasted no time in his disappointment. He took apart his gun assembly and stuffed the parts back into their respective places. He swung his legs over the edge and, unheeding the distance, jumped down. The metal frame under him screeched hideously as bolts broke loose and the whole structure shook and almost collapsed. That shook Galen out of his haze. Heart pounding, he clambered the rest of the way down.

The Russians, cowed by the sniper shot, cowered behind their ramparts and only cringed when the fire escape screeched. They were clearly regretting their reckless charge against the lone man who had intruded on their territory and had singlehandedly taken out most of their party.

Galen jumped the last three feet to the ground and crawled to Ashton.

"Galen..." Ashton reached out with his left hand.

"I'm here. I'm here." Galen grasped his hand and gathering Ashton's jacket material over the wound, tried to staunch it with his free hand. The blood quickly soaked the material and it began to flow down his fingers, sticky and warm. The smell of iron filled his nostrils and threatened to choke him. With each beat of Ashton's heart, more blood pulsed out of the wound. Galen didn't know if he'd rather feel the blood keep flowing or the heart to stop.

"Are there pretty girls in heaven? You better tell me there are or else I would've died for nothing." His eyes drooped close and Galen feared the worst.

"You bastard. Don't talk like that. Open your eyes. We still haven't found Roberto yet." Ashton smiled, revealing bloody teeth.

His eyes opened and they were bright and glazed, unseeing. "I'm the bastard, huh?" Ashton's eyes focused on Galen's face as if trying to trace a resemblance. "Tell him that I did have his apartment key. Never been good with lockpicks. I leave it to you, dear Galen. Use it often and well."

A wracking cough shook his body. Blood started seeping out of the corner of his mouth. When he spoke again, the wet sound of blood bubbled in the back of this throat. His own body was trying to drown him. The rowdy, perverted and vibrant Ashton looked so fragile. Galen's hand tightened on Ashton's and he cradled Ashton's head against his chest.

"Ashton, don't speak anymore." It seems the tears have all dried up. Galen's eyes burned, but no moisture came forth.

Ashton swallowed thickly and with a great gasp, he managed to draw enough breath to croak, "A lot of good that did me the last time you told me to shut up. I'm so tired, Galen. What did we come here to do again?"

What is he on about now? "We came to find Roberto and retrieve him."

Ashton grimaced, "Curse him. Curse his 'own life'. His precious love." Several seconds passed after his outburst. "Try to take care of him, Galen. Don't let him run away again. I have a bad feeling about this. Don't let him run away again, you hear me?" Galen nodded, frightened by Ashton's sudden urgency and forcefulness. Satisfied by Galen's compliance, Ashton settled back on his back, the blue sky making his blue eyes almost colorless.

A cry went up from their forgotten enemies. Galen stiffened and bent so that his body sheltered Ashton's. Several gunshots sounded and the accompanying dying screams soon died themselves. A weak tug on their intertwined hands drew Galen's attention back to Ashton. "Take care of him," He whispered. Galen nodded and bent closer to Ashton, straining to hear his last words. "The Demolitioner died on someone's crotch. Hmph. Disgraceful." And his heart stopped shortly after.

"Ashton! Galen!" The voice calling was familiar, but Galen couldn't grudge up a face or name to match it. More voices joined in, all familiar. He knew he should be glad that they're here, but he couldn't help thinking that they came too late.

Footsteps approached from behind. "Galen? Where's-?" Galen finally remembered the master of the voice. He gently laid Ashton's head on the ground and untangled his hand from Ashton's death grip.

"Dead. He's dead, Roberto." Galen stood and strode up to Roberto. Roberto was staring at Ashton's body. He tore his eyes away from the body to see Galen advancing on him. A pang went through him. He didn't know if it was guilt or fear. "Dead, Roberto. Gone... Forever... For what?" Galen drew back his fist and punched Roberto on his nose. Roberto stumbled back, holding his bleeding nose. Several of Roberto's companions stepped in front of Roberto, defending him from his cousin.

"I-I didn't mean..." Roberto trailed off. The unspoken words hovered between them and dissolved into the wind. He's dead. It doesn't matter if you didn't mean for this to happen. Galen's fist had left streaks of Ashton's blood on Roberto's cheek. Galen turned away from him, sick of seeing blood.

"Why did you run away? What was so important that you couldn't tell us about? What did he die for?" Galen demanded, his back still turned.

Roberto blinked. "I-I can't tell you. She had nothing to do-", he stopped.

"Her! Roberto, you- you little... And he told me to take care of you, Roberto. He told me to take care of you. You! He told me to take care of you when he didn't even tell me goodbye..." Galen's hand still stung from the punch, but he wanted to punch Roberto again. He let out a harsh breath. "Fine. Keep your secrets. But know that Ashton died trying to find you. Where were you this whole time?"

"I was with Cal. Damien was the one that told me there was something going on here and that you and Ashton had gone missing."

Galen laughed. "Hah! And he died for this! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been here anyways. Fate can be so cruel. Well Roberto, now that you've sent him to Hell early, what do you intend to do?"

"Who killed him, Galen? Tell me."

The golden hair and an impeccable aim. Plus the muzzle of the only M24 SWS in the underworld of the whole city. Galen felt his river of anger and frustration being diverted towards a new direction. "Kyerstan. Kyerstan Orlov."

Roberto frowned. Kyerstan is the daughter of Kazimir. And the best sniper in the underworld. War-like and proud, she is the opposite of Adelina. "I know where she lives."

Galen wheeled around to face Roberto. "How in the world would you know where she lives?"

Roberto removed his hand from his nose and looked sideways at Galen. "I'm the son of the Gambino family. I have my resources." Galen conceded the point. "I'm going after her." He approached Ashton's body and kneeled. Galen heard him whisper, "I'm sorry." Roberto stayed kneeling there for several minutes and when Galen was starting to suspect that he was crying, Roberto reached out and closed Ashton's eyelids.

He stood up. With a firm set of the shoulders, Roberto turned and started walking towards their own territory. His men and Galen followed. Several of them stayed to watch over and transport Ashton's body back while some others looted the bodies of the dead Russians.

Galen caught up to Roberto. "You can't be serious. Don't go off by yourself again. You can't possibly kill her. And you can seriously be killed. What will I tell your father and how will I be able to look after you if you're dead?"

Roberto shook him off. "I'm sorry I ran away last time. But people can't just kill one of my friends like that and expect to get let off the hook. That's not how we do things here. It's a life for a life. I'm sure Elias will understand." He took off running. Galen cursed.

"Somebody stop him!" It just seems he can't keep anyone safe today. And as Galen chased after Roberto's back, the sense of foreboding settled on him, snuggling close.

Locked Out of Heaven [Complete]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang