Part 4

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Cal looked at the dejected figure curled up in the corner and sighed. The last time Cal had seen Roberto, he was going with Adelina for the children's surprise. His face then contrasted sharply with the tear-stricken face now.

"What's wrong now? It was only this morning when you went away with your head in the clouds. Did something happen with Adelina?"

The figure sniffed and half-turned so that the firelight shone on half of his face. "No, nothing as bad as that. It's just- It's all my fault!" A new round of bawling broke out and Cal was obligated to hand Roberto some tissues. A second ago, he was considering teasing Roberto, but another nagging possibility for Roberto's crying held him back.

"Did it have something to do with the fight in the triads' territory? Were you involved?" Cal gripped his shoulder and turned him fully onto his back. "Tell me, boy. What happened?"

"Ash-Ashton, hic, was killed be-because of, hic, me. I-I was trying to get away from him. A-and, hic, they went through Lau's territory and were ambushed. I should just go die in Hell." Little by little, Cal began to build a picture of what had happened through Roberto's broken dialogue. When he finished, Cal could hold back no more and gave the boy a resounding rap on the side of the head. That surprised Roberto so much, he stopped crying immediately.

Cal settled onto a cushion. An hour ago, Galen had delivered Roberto in a sobbing wreck to his door. Since then, Roberto had alternated between sullen silence and heart-wrenching sobs. The news didn't help the headache that had slowly built up into a crescendo either.

"If you want to die, then die."

The words cut through Roberto and he looked up in surprise, but the look in Cal's eyes was a challenge. It's like he was saying You're a man, aren't you?

That made Roberto even more depressed than before. "I'm sorry." He sat up and steeled himself for the upcoming lecture, but Cal only closed his eyes and waited.

Roberto began, his voice only a murmur. "I want to find the person who killed him. Her name is Kyerstan. If I find her, I- I'm not sure what I'll do, but I want to find her. To avenge Ashton in some way. I guess, Galen stopped me because I was too rash. When he said that Ashton told him to look after me, I guess I just got really angry. I thought I had to kill her. But now, looking back on it, I wasn't thinking clearly. I shouldn't have run away in the first place. It never solves anything. I just wish Galen had stopped me the first time also. Then-then..."

"You have already inadvertently caused your friend's death. But you running away wasn't the beginning of the problem. It's your inborn inability to keep your calm. The most reliable thing you have is what's in between your eyes. It should tell you, among other things, to let go of Adelina. She is not for you."

It took a moment for the words to sink in, but when they did, anger followed. Cal continued, "I don't know your relationship with Galen or Ashton or Kyerstan. But you keep rushing into things. It's clear that you keep rushing into things. I have no right to tell you how your life should be-" 

"You're right. You can't dictate my life. Adelina isn't your problem. I won't become like my father. I won't let her go like he did to my mother." He stood up and bowed to Cal, who was still sitting. Cal looked on with the air of a man who lost a hopeless battle.

"It must be the fates... or genetics. I have said everything I can. When you have lost everything, Roberto, I hope you can wholeheartedly regret everything you have just said." Roberto looked into Cal's eyes and saw that Cal was serious. With Cal sitting in the shadows and every wrinkle on his face deepened by the firelight, Cal never looked so old. Or so... dangerous. He shivered. But his heart was set on his ways and he refused to back down.

"Mr. Althaus! Are you home?" The two of them froze, the atmosphere between them broken at the interruption.

Cal grunted. "I'm not home!"

"What?" Roberto sent an exasperated glare at Cal and went to answer the door.

"He meant he's not feeling well," Roberto explained.

"Oh. You're here, too. Good timing. I was searching all over for you." This time, the lady looked at a lot more road-stained than before. Roberto immediately invited her in. She declined.

"I have something to tell you, young man."

From Adelina? His heart rate went up accordingly. "Yes?"

Zia looked up and was met with an expression that conveyed a world of hopefulness. "Adelina, that foolish child. Well, to put it frankly..."

"Yes? What is it?"

"She wants to see you again. She sent me to ask if you're available tomorrow morning." The words came out in a rush. Zia stopped herself and patted her hair self-consciously. She gave Roberto a thorough scouring and her mouth dipped in disapproval.

"Of course!" Roberto turned and shot a triumphant glance at Cal who only pressed his lips together.

"Tomorrow morning, noon, Luxultima park. Got it?"


She narrowed her eyes. "Listen, son. You better be serious about her. Let's just say, if you were to shame or hurt her in any way, you would have me to deal with first. Got it?"

"Yes!" Zia gave him a strange look. Roberto cleared his throat. "I mean, I understand. I won't do anything that would make you my enemy. I promise I'll take care of her." The lady still looked distrustful. "Cross my heart and hope to die." Roberto heard Cal snort.

The lady sighed. "Well, if you put it like that. Be on time tomorrow, got it?"

"Yes, ma'am. Of course." The lady humphed.

"Well, go on now. I need to have a talk with Mr. Althaus."

Roberto uttered a quick goodbye to Cal and practically skipped off. Cal sighed. He had already forgotten about what Cal had said. When Roberto had gone, Cal was the first to speak.

"Zia, you have a most excellent sense of timing."

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