23 | black moon

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Varsha. Varsha. Varsha!

footsteps could be heard in the distance. angry yells, there were many of them, Vidhyut knew there was no escape. Varsha's father might have gotten caught in the way, he looked down with misty eyes at his premika

"wake up Varsha, we don't have much time left", he told the unconscious body in front of him which rested on the trunk of an Amaltas tree

there was no response to his distress, after all, she had been left to starve in his mahal's dungeons without his knowledge as the king had ordered

what treason had he done for which he was being punished by making his premika suffer? was it so unforgivable to fall in love? to fight for whom he desired?

but the thought of Varsha's father's whistleblowing was still there at the back of his mind, betrayal coursed through him as the footsteps grew near, there was no way out

"Varsha ke bina Vidhyut adhura hai", he whispered to his premika and lightly pressed his lips between her brows where a frown lingered, then he got carefully from beside her and clutched at the handle of his sword


the rest was history

what happened next?

Flashes of them getting caught, courtroom, Varsha....sitting by the Amaltas tree, crimson coating her white clothes and hand, he clutched at his short hair as pain shot through his head.

b-but he never witnessed Varsha's death or did he?

reality felt like a myth now

A groan broke him from his reverie, unknowingly he had been stroking her long tresses. He retrieved his finger in shock and finally looked at her face, a frown scrunched her features.

He was apprehensive at first but then he smoothened the frown between her eyebrows, soft dark hair in an elegant arc.


Vidhyut shook his head at the thought and watched as she opened her eyes and gazed at him finally.

"What happened?", her voice was hoarse after the silent screaming as her eyes searched around the moonlit room.

"water ", she muttered to herself and slowly got up from the warm arms of the man holding her.

Vidhyut looked around frantically to look for a jug when his eyes fell ok the broken piece of silver on the table just beside them.

what is it doing here?

He would never forget the tiny roses carved on the broken piece imitating the designs of the courtroom, the similar thing he saw in the hands of the intruder, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. He wondered if Varsha knew but there were more important matters at hand.

Her legs felt heavy, she somehow reached the table and poured herself a glass of water. She gulped the whole amount in one swig and took a deep breath then finally looked at Vidhyut, who was already staring at her.

Vrishti opened her mouth but Vidhyut beat her to it, "I know you have questions, but they shall be put to rest at the moment because we don't seem to have much time, let's go", he spoke in metaphors and met her eyes when he reached his last of words and he lifted his hand towards her.

"B-But where", her tongue felt heavy as the words got jumbled on her lips.

"to find the end"

in other words, to the beginning

The words suddenly hit Vrishti and her eyes widened in realization, she slowly moved towards him and took his hand.

"Dadaji, I will find her before and lesser time in what your son took", the voice spoke to the small portrait hung in front of them. (Grandfather)

They turned away and clutched at the broken key in their hand which was inside their pocket, unknowingly they pressed on the sharp edge of the broken side and cut themselves, a hiss of pain followed.

"I won't let dad find her, just to deliver it to the government and celebrate her great deeds", they scoffed and spoke again, "She and her pathetic father is the reason the Raya Dynasty went into ashes and our family didn't get the recognition they deserve".

"No I will never let it happen, I will find her remains before them! If only...if only, the queen", they stopped and shook with rage," it would have never happened. Never".


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Now the secrets are unfolding, I know many of you predicted Vrishti and Varsha's part but there are still many secrets left. So much is still left and we have our antagonist too, but we can't really blame them, they have their own reasons no (I believe that no one is fully wrong and right, we all are specks of white, black and so many undertones) hope you enjoying the story so far.

your suggestions and feedback are always welcome and help me create a beautiful story that both me (the writer) and the readers can enjoy 💐

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