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Changkyun felt bold tonight wearing tight black jeans and sheer top exposing his chests with glitter pasties on each nipple, his eyes shimmery and smoked out with his favorite glittery gloss. Off the two besties went to a fun night on the town "where's Yeo?" Asked minhyuk while he texted away "he's with jongho, they haven't been able to spend so much time since the whole incident happened" he loved that his friend relationship is thriving he just can't help but feel a little envious that he can't have that with Shownu, but tonight he wasn't going to think about the mobster it was about him and his friend having fun.

"Mingi!" He yelled out seeing his friend across the bar. The pink hair boy giving him a beautiful smile and rushed to hug the taller, these past two weeks they've been getting closer, going out to eat daily, playing video games together mingi is the sweetest always there to hear Changkun rant about his non existent relationship and mingi tired to give him advice. "Hey, missed you too... wow you look incredible" he chuckled and tuck a strand of loose hair behind the smaller ear.  Changkyun looked down embarrassed, blushing even "come on we have a table" he grabbed changkun hand and they walked into the crowed.


Early that afternoon...

"Congratulations Mr. Son the apartment is officially yours" the realtor shook the mobster hand, Shownu only nodded and walked out. "Jooheon, Changkyun guards can have the night off, I'll be with him. So have you heard anything from changkyun?" He asked as they both walk to the car, Shownu looking as sober as ever. "He's getting out of his last class boss, so far nothing else is planned" shownu said nothing, both got into his car and drove off.

It had been hell these past two weeks, maintaining his business, dealing with clients and merchandise he was finally glad that he's been able to fixed it all and was now wanted nothing more than to see his shortcake. He hated that he had to bury himself in his work and not give changkyun the attention he deserved and he swore it would be the last time he does it. He knew Changkun didn't have a place to stay so he took the liberty of purchasing a condo for Changkyun, well for both of them if the smaller will let him stay there. The only thing Shownu been thinking about is rushing to the smaller and not letting him go it's been way to long.

He showered and got dressed ready to surprise his shortcake, he rushed downstairs only to be stopped by Jaebum "boss? Change of plans seems like the boy and his friend will be heading out to a bar planning on meeting with another friend" Shownu frowned "what friend? Did you get information of the other person?" Shownu quickly asked, jongho who stood next to him cleared his throat "his name is Mingi and he's an old friend of Chang they been uhh real close lately" Jongho showed him a picture of Changkyun and Mingi laughing outside a park bench.

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