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4:30 am

Changkyun stared at the clock, he felt restless a gnawing feeling, he called yeosang and minhyuk even sent mingi a message so far they were okay. The only one who never answered was hyungwon, he stood up patted down his now shaggy black hair and headed toward the kitchen for a glass of water, still wearing shownu shirt for comfort. He stood watch the dark sky through the small window above the kitchen sink.

"So you just decided to leave me" Changkyun turned around, startled to see the mobster"oh my- Shownu! What happened to you! How did you even get in?" He rushed toward the older changkyun eyes scanned the older his face covered with bruises he looked like he bathed in blood a scary sight to see "I'm a literal criminal, you really got ask?" Shownu lifted a brow, changkyun rolled his eyes grabbing on to his arm. Even though the sight of shownu should cause fear in the smaller, changkyun felt some sort of relief seeing the older right in front of him "Sit down" he pulled him on the couch and Shownu groan in pain, the adrenaline wearing off everything is starting to hurt but he didn't care, all he knew is he had to see his shortcake.

Changkyun kneeled in front of him pulling out gauzes, bandages and ointments. "Take off your shirt" said changkyun softly, Shownu took another long sip of his whisky staring at the smaller what he really wants is to crash his lips onto him "might need some help shortcake" changkyun bit his bottom lip and gently unbuttoned the older shirt, he could feel the way shownu kept his eyes on him like lion ready to pounce on him at any time. "Stop staring" changkyun asked, Shownu chuckled "what happened? I've been calling hyungwon, Yeo has been trying to reach jongho no one's answering".

Shownu winced when changkyun slid off the shirt, the small one gasp "oh god, that's a bullet wound isn't it? Why were you shot? Nunu we need to go to the hospital" changkyun stood up but shownu held him by his wrist. "No, it's just a scrape the bullet went right out. And uhh hyungwon he... well kihyun...FUCK!" He threw the bottle across the room in frustration, changkyun surprise by the sudden abruption "hey it's okay breath, I'm right here. Let get you showered and bandage you right up you don't have to talk right now" Shownu nodded wiping away his tears.

Changkyun gave him some pain medicine and after an thirty minute of bathing the big guy in minhyuk small tub they both lay down on the bed luckily Minhyuk had a king size took most of the room but comfortable as fuck. They didn't talk about anything, nor did changkyun push him to speak he just let the older lay on his smaller chest and nuzzle into his neck.

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